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Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In News & Politics

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Toki 1 month ago

As I block all ads I am watching wholesome cute anime women enjoy meals instead.
This is still shit marketing because I do not want women to find easy jobs like this and get paid to just stand there with a plastic burger that took 12 hours for artists to create a fake product. You go to Hardee's/Carl's they give you a high school cafeteria hamburger that the lunch lady sat on already.
I just think it's funny because Amouranth and thots = bad. But this isn't thotting apparently? How about she goes and gets a real job at WalMart? Unmarried hoe unfit to be a housewife because she's already a hooker.
Also who even subjects to ads anymore? How do they even still exist? Adblockers are free and easy to use.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

if she's smart with her money, she will have a great retirement, but most women spend like there is no tomorrow and end up homeless unless they can find a dude who will take that

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Toki 1 month ago

@KEEPER: She will blow all the money on smartphones and cocaine.

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Toki 1 month ago

@KEEPER: My brain bleach for bad ads and thots. To be cleansed by wholesome cute anime angel.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@Toki: i heard a story she purchased a gas station, it was to show she knows how to invest, and maybe that will work, i guess it depends on a few factors that i won't get into because it's a meh story about her that i don't care about.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@Toki: meh

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Toki 29 days ago

@KEEPER: Invest = Welfare program to benefit useless people who don't work or produce anything. A Jewish concept of usury. She bought the gas station business with the money men gave her for free plus her lifetime welfare for having a vagina.

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KEEPER 29 days ago

@Toki: you know, i find it funny, someone could potentially get payed in welfare payments and make a shit load of money off of said government welfare in the form of something like bitcoin, i wish i was that smart back when bitcoin was worthless, i mean i wasn't on wellfare back then, and nor am i now, but my point is, if i just spent $100 on that worthless bitcoin and waited until 2018, i could have been a millionaire or a billionaire if i sold when it reached those levels, but these days i would never jump on all the crypto that's being made out of thin air because it's so damn saturated and there is so much fraud in everything, regrets, back in a time when i could have totally afforded losing $100 because i was a single dude living at home paying rent at $300 making $800 a week, hell i could have sacrificed just $100 per month on bitcoin and yeah, i would have been swimming in money, but back then i didn't see that shit ever being worth anything.

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KEEPER 29 days ago

oops, it was 800 a month, not a week. but still i could have sacrificed some of my money with the bitcoin.

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Toki 28 days ago

@KEEPER: Yes everyone should play with MonopolyCoin and nobody will have to work anymore. Food and energy will magically appear without men working to provide everything for Coin investors. Me, me, me, me first. Everyone else should be my slave = Coin and investors mindset. Or if every man found his balls and understood how productivity truly works then we could be thriving as a species. Instead we have CEOs, presidents, Coin vesters, and stock markets. Causing mass poverty/crime/suicides/stagnation of the human species.

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KEEPER 28 days ago

@Toki: yeah well a lot of that has to do with most of our production being done outside of the country, we used to be much stronger and we did produce our own shit in this country, however that appears to be what Trump is attempting on doing, which is why the tariffs were needed to move back USA companies from the foreign lands to come back here and make the products.

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KEEPER 28 days ago

man the USA used to be the leaders of industry, and everyone wanted our products because they lasted and weren't cheap shit from China, fuck me man, i want those days to come back, and this new tariff from china might help in that effort because suddenly they think they have the upper hand because, now their products are going to be roughly the same price as the states, which means most people won't want to purchase from china anymore unless for specialty products.

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Toki 27 days ago

@KEEPER: Yeah because of the Coin investors all the jobs are gone for cheaper labor overseas. So why are we supporting the idea of Coin-vesting? Trump is going to print more money to line his pockets to buy hookers and cocaine. While working men suffer. Another Trump Hopium guy who got Speech-Checked. People like him are just simps who steal from the poor just like Bidens. Just like Musk and Gates. Taking credit for other men's work and living high on the hog. For one Trump is overweight so he's already untrustworthy for that fact alone. Gluttons are shitty selfish people. There's no hope because too many are brainwashed to believe that business suit types are good for our species. The only humans who matter and deserve respect are men with real damn jobs. Not Tubers either, but real jobs that provide something tangible as you said sturdy quality products. A president is a Speaker. Speech skill. Charisma. Think about how that works in Fallout and how you can make NPCs do all the dirty work while you claim the rewards for their loss. That's what a Trump is. I'm not an NPC though.

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KEEPER 27 days ago

@Toki: dude you are starting to sound just as retarded as the leftists, Trump didn't take the presidential salary because he was independently wealthy, just as he did last time he's doing again now. you sound like you still listen to the main stream dipshit media. now Musk is still a wild card, however he is also independently wealthy and the corruption that his DOGE has uncovered shows he's not corrupt because of the transparency he's showed at every step, but i get that you don't trust him, but enriching themselves when they are already independently wealthy, dude that sounds moronic at best, talk about brainwashed. also fallout is a fucking video game, not real life, like i don't understand why you are even using this as an example, fucking dumb dude.

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Toki 26 days ago

@KEEPER: So where does Trump make an income? Where does he work? Nowhere. He's on the biggest form of unemployment that exists. Simps like a black man on unemployment. He worships the pussy and pays for it like a weak bitch. Yes Fallout is a video game with amusing real life applications. Like Charisma and Speech. I'm more of an honest AGI, INT, STR, PER build. The useful stats. If I used Biden as an example you would agree that's the hilarious part. Welcome to a cult I guess.

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Toki 1 month ago

All the brown women raged because of a shitty ad. Truly they have no hobbies.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

So, I get free eggs... not my problem..

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i guess if you have your own chickens, then yeah, i have been saying people need to do something like this for years during Biden's regime, but i was also telling people to have their own garden, i mean think about it, if everyone had their own garden and food storage, none of this would effect anyone, but the American people have been known to be lazy and not do anything even though the signs are known very well, they assume money will always be given to them and assume that food will always be provided to them via help from government. it's like we need to train that "Teach A Man To Fish" parable once again.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

like even after Trump, that kind of thing can still happen.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@KEEPER: There's a YTer I was watchingbon Odysee IceAgeFarmer; he had an accent do maybe Finnish or in Iceland. He learned to farm in the city and then started interviewing professionals and professors...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: i have not seen any of his stuff but i did watch a guy in Nebraska who designed a partially sunken in green house that mostly used geothermal heating to grow his garden in the dead of winter, actually i might have mirrored that episode on this site, it was impressive, but he did have to admit that he needed to pollinize the plants by hand because you can't exactly get what you need in the winter, but i could see a process like that become automated.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i can't find it, but i can find some related videos on this on youtube.

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