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They're Selling OnlyFans Classes Now...


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Published on 29 Aug 2022 / In People & Blogs

Apparently, people have started OnlyFans classes.
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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

I get that they're impressionable, but there comes a point when accountability has to mean something. Women will never get it because they've become royalty, privileged and totally forgiven as long as they are useful idiots marching toward the cliff (or wall, if you prefer).

They may get the short term thrills, but the long term will cost a few of them. I'm not even mad at them. The simps enabling this and making it profitable on the other hand, I hold them in the same regard as PUA alpha pheromone soap salesmen. Both are pussy worshipers, but at least a simp doesn't pretend to be an 'alpha male' when he's pedestalizing women.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Hmm, what's the message: "You too can whore it up my girls: Three easy steps...." Well now, let's watch this bitch and see what's up? Her dildo most likely!"

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: What? THis was BORING. There was no titties or jiggle physics: How you supposed to make the dough? Oh, so she flashes some cash and drives away in a rental most likely. I would rather have seen her get smashed or her gash.The only ones dumb enough to believe this is strippers or THOTs in general?!

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AbyssWatcher 3 years ago

this is messed up...when will this civilization burn??? wish it will come sooner....

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Councilof1 3 years ago

Classes to teach whores, who are too dumb to whore properly, how to whore.

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