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They've made WEATHER a weapon!

Published on 14 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Some may find this interesting or even disturbing. weaponizing Weather. I've watched clouds or "Cloud Busting" since I was a kid. this is finding shapes in cloud formations like faces animal shapes ect. but back in the 90's I started to see these excessive vapor trails, no generally known as Chemtrails. The visible difference between between thew two is this -0 Aircraft Vapor trails disperse quickly from the engines of the plane, because as the plane rises up to the colder air in the stratisphere the engine heat vaporizes into a stream like vapor. This is a totally normal sight and action of an aircraft. Chem trails differ in they libnger sometimes for hours in the statisphere befoire falling to ground level, they are much denser and heavier, but of a greater volume which is why they take so long to vanish. Chem trails are often a single trail, if they are double trails they are close together unlike plane vapor trails that are space engine distance apart. There is ort was a video of a women how was a Nurse in a hospital andf came out one morning to finf her White Car covered in a red residue. she took a sample and gave it to a Laqb Tech friend at the hospital where she worked and the result was this was "PIGS BLOOD", on close investigation all the cqars in her area were checked and they to had thgius "PIGS B:LOOD" on them. Also that night there had been a lot of Aircraft noise from a local USAF base. Make of it what you will? Then there is "HAARP" That I was studying way back in the 90's as well. "HAARP" is an EMP array I think near Alkaska and when turned on this has been recorded as Weather Changing, creating electrical Styorms and such. Then their is the subsonic "HUMB" at night that bites into the brain and causes Sleep problems. This is mainly in the UK, but let me know if your country has the "HUMB" - It's not so much a sound as a frequency that is just audible to the human ear. It has as far as I know NEVER bee heard in daytime hours just in the silence of the night. Hope you find this interesting?

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