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They Are Convincing Me To Join MGTOW

Published on 14 Nov 2020 / In Other

⁣Watch this video to hear what I think about all of these interesting comments! Enjoy this late April Fools Day Joke! ;)

IMPORTANT: This video is just a response to some MGTOW comments, and it's not intended to harass or maliciously attack other people. Please don't watch this video if jokes and criticism offend you.

Crimson Crusader's Free Men Speech Anti-MGTOW: https://youtu.be/hiYEieVlLGE

Follow Me:

⁣YouTube: ⁣https://bit.ly/36wQWe9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrimsonCrusador

[Channel Intro Music]

Crusade Heavy Industry by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.....io/song/4678-crusade
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to a 13 second segment (part of the original soundtrack used - 00:04:18-00:17:00), Fade in 1 second & Fade out 1.40 seconds

[Channel Outro Music]

Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.....io/song/4002-lord-of
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Modifications: Soundtrack cut down to 15 seconds, Fade In 2.00s & Fade Out 4.00s

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PRICK 4 years ago

7:43 You say m.g.t.o.w doesn't do anything to solve the problems? In the next breath? In the same video? You then criticize m.g.t.o.w for simply W A R N I N G other men about the potential risks of female/state involvements.

You cannot say the risks do not exist without being a LIAR.

You cannot say that the statistical probabilities are insignificant enough to dismiss without being a LIAR.

I've watched a lot of your content, and your solution is a LIE. All you say is for men to risk everything, take responsibility for pursuing, protecting, providing, and procreating for women, no matter if it benefits HIM, or not. No matter if HE doesn't believe it's a worthwhile REWARD for his efforts. No matter what happens to him if it goes badly, or what has already happened to him in his past.

You tell him not to LEARN from his experiences, or the experiences of other men, or pay attention to logical statistical probabilities.

You just BLINDLY believe that women are worth the risks. No logic, or reason just stupid FAITH in a LIE.

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PRICK 4 years ago

1. There has NEVER been, is not NOW, nor will there EVER be, something to J O I N in m.g.t.o.w.

2. 6:00 M.g.t.o.w is not a collective solution for MEN, and never was meant to be one. It is a philosophy for an individual MAN about approaching life, as it IS TODAY, not as I wish it is, but how it is. Avoiding women/state entanglements, keeping my wages, savings, house, and retirement safe from the potential threat of the courts.

3. You SAY m.g.t.o.w does nothing to solve anything, but FAIL to grasp the simplest concept that a child could understand. M.g.t.o.w solves the problem for a M A N, not for men. It is a "One Man At A Time" solution.

4. Using myself as an example of how the m.g.t.o.w philosophy solves, or reduces the potential negative consequences of female/state/relationships. 1. No marriage, or common law cohabitation = No divorce, alimony, or a false domestic abuse charge. That means I'm safe from those threats. 2. No sex, or very careful sex with recorded consent = No child support, S.T.D., and a reduced chance of a false rape, or sexual harassment charge.

So you are wrong. I have proven you wrong. M.g.t.o.w does save lives. "ONE MAN AT A TIME."

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luluopa 4 years ago

maluco perde tempo pra ficar falando de mgtow, deve ser um retardado pqp, como pode perder tanto tempo com homens fracassados como os mgtows? voce mesmo se refuta, se mgtow fosse irrelevante nem perdia o seu tempo fazendo vidiozinho

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

PUA's refuse to admit that all women are the same and the LAWS are a weapon on purpose

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You won't change me boy, by December 28th I will fully become a MGTOW Sage and I think around the time later Shadow will be too. Crimson you use so much obvious elements that it makes you weak af. By my transformation on that date, we will celebrate by pushing you out the door. We don't have anytime for crooks like you so you can amscray that day.

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