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they are showing you who they are

Published on 18 Oct 2021 / In Entertainment

they are showing you who they are

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BIGLOAD 3 years ago

Gentleman . . . B I T C H E S.

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30203forever 3 years ago

100%, bro. They do not even have to show you who they are because their actions speak way louder than any words. Long time ago, the females have made a collective decision to destroy the nuclear family, marry the State and throw the men overboard. But they are still pushing that ugly contraption on us while basically demanding to know why we are not married if that is any of their business. Well, ladies, that is because we already have the government permanently lodged in our pocketbooks and would rather not have it in our bedrooms as well. Plus, you have also become the insufferable fat cunts who are not even good enough for a quick pump and dump anymore!

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