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They Can't Be Accountable If You Don't Vote

Published on 25 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation


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sbseed 1 year ago

what the hell is WA, in australia? (should just call it straya)

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In Straya - the STATES NAMES get abbreviated - WA = W.A. = Western Australia. Zoom in on this.

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sbseed 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ah, did not know the provinces/territories and layout... forgot about all of this from grade school, does not come up often enough to remember lol, probably same for people living in other nations and not knowing states i would guess.

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@sbseed: Well data falls into serveral types... Things you need to learn, things that are supplimentary to learn and things you don't need to learn. Since your in the USA, you probably don't need to learn much at all if anything about anything outside of home, work and where to go for a holiday... And then there is things you use a real lot, like say whatever you do for a job or a dedicated hobby... then there are things you don't need to learn much about because you hardly ever use them, and then there are things you basically never use... So at one end of the spectrum, there are things you know in great detail and use all the time, and at the other end of the spectrum there are things you never learned anything at all about and never use... This is kind of not an issue of being smart or stupid... but the wider your interests are and the more you try to learn things about everything going on... the more capable you become... Like I do need to know how tyres are constructed and how they operate and all the chemisty of the tyre formulations... AND would I be able to make a tyre for a jet airliner... Ummmm I cold replicate a jet tyre, from the factories one process's and proceedures using the materials they use... So yes. Would I be able to make one as good as that - without extensive testing and training - I think it would fail on inflation, explode on landing, or be so big and heavy it would not fit in the plane or cost so much in fuel to keep it airborn.. Meh.... BUT can I identify GOOD tyres, from bad tyres, due to deterioration and age? Yes....

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sbseed 1 year ago

the constitution (if there is one) applies to EVERYONE that exists within a country/landmass/etc...
if it is a constitution, australia never had one, same as the UKistan...
all of those countries are owned by the vatican/jews and those governments where all setup and owned/part of the monarchy of england....
england has been owned by the jews since the 1500-1600s or something, when "the church" or the catholic church took over the gov. and royalty...

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sbseed 1 year ago

sovereignty does not equal natives/aboriginals or whatever...
sovereignty is the power to rule oneself by the common law = the law of god...

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sbseed 1 year ago

this bitch is giving me a headache/migraine...

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sbseed 1 year ago

bung a lung nation????
so they are the ones that get lung rot or just smoke themselves to death?

whore preacher, you gave them consent when you voted for them and when you did nothing to keep them in check...
why is this sheboon barefoot?!

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