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They Lied To Younger Women Now They Are Struggling
Published on 09 Sep 2023 / In
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#modernwoman #independentwoman #thewall
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3:30 - The EYEBROWS, man... they frighten me!
Okay, I gotta ask: for each of these women, how do they define "love" or "happiness" to begin with? Because the more I watch these videii I'm convinced that answer is "He assumes all the responsibility for my happiness so I don't have to." That's the mentality of a preteen child, not an adult. For all their yammering about men being immature, women are the ones who want to be the object of care and have no problem broadcasting that to the whole planet.
In college I asked a group of women "how do you define a 'good' man?" Once they stopped saying, "Well... like... GOOD!", they began listing abstract qualities, then concrete ones. Short version: tall, has money, bears all the responsibilities, doesn't demand much, protects her--qualities of a father, not a partner.
Ain't got no time fuddat.
Try explaining to them that women are meant to follow a man from their early twenties on, and that a woman's priority is to find a good man (like mothers have advised their daughters throughout history). Maybe it could be the truth after all?
Ahhhhh the more these women celebrate their self centeredness and selfishness and feminist bullshit....
The happier I get - being single and not having them with me.....
2:12 - "If the men on the apps don't want to date - what are you doing on the apps?"
Says the 35 year old....
The OLD - going down hill - infertile - "mutton dressed as lamb" - retarded bullshit...
How come they don't ask ALL the decent guys? Oh you mean the average guys who are suitable for average women? You know the 90% of men you REJECT.
Ohhhhhh noes..
Being without women and their bullshit is the best thing ever.
I we suppose to care about them, they are just collateral damage as males have been for years and years