They throw away an old diamond to pick up a new pebble
Published on 17 Sep 2024 / In
News & Politics
Women are now blaming men for the exact thing they do to men. It's not that they're hiding their true actions or being bitter, they genuinely don't see how messed up they are.
3 dating profiles of the day today.
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Or Joker... the husband gets his spoon or tongue ready for that tuna flavored custard... while the pudding is still warm...I kid you not: There are cucks out there...who do this. Then, their wives peg those cucks...
Oh god....... 6:22 (the cut off point)
"I just let people nut in me"......
VD, Stupidity, Infertility, Stupidity, Unmarried Pregnancy, Stupidity, Fatherless Children, Stupidity...
My bullshit meter just popped a fuse and stopped working.
This chick is too much of a retarded idiot.
A lot of really DUMB animals - if you throw them a big piece of bread, they will chase it and start to eat it.
BUT if you then throw them a tiny piece of bread, they will immediately leave the huge piece of bread, and go after the tiny piece of bread.
Women are like lobsters - "Meat in the arse and shit in the head".
This is what women always do when they're soundly defeated. They take exactly what you were saying, and gender-swap it. The outcome is someone who doesn't already know better will see two groups pointing at each other with the same accusation. It's a very low-IQ tactic that works way too well. This is why lying used to be a crime.
Usurp Consume Destroy
That's the Usurp part.