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Published on 25 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation

Well it's out inj tyhe governemts own White paper wording. They want us out of cars or motor vehicles altogether. That is what the 20mph scam is about, nothing to do with Road safety at all. Be fore I get into this I noticed that the change in the law regarding distances from Cyclist is now one meter when passing. This by the way DOES apply to CYCLIST as well if using a ROAD not a Cycle Way. So when you see these arrogant CUNT's 3 or 4 abreast on the road they are actually breaking the law, because by LAW even they have to pass or ride a meter apart, if not they are commiting an offence of Obstruction. Just so any Lycra Loutes out there know there plave. I personally always give them a loud blast of my horn before passing - As the Highway code actually say's you should do. anyways back to the other stuff. This 20mph thing is also gonna cost about 98% of car users a huge fuel use Hike so they can make money out of you with this scam. This is because the bigger the car the bigger the gearing ratio, so most modern vehicles can do well over 20mph in first gear these day's so YOU will be continuously changing down and burning or wasting fuel. The conjestion at the start and finish of the restriction will cause traffic chaos, another reason they can use to remove your right to drive. I've kind of foiund a way round this other than NOT using 20mph zones. I have tow single Cylinder M<otorcycles, both of which will chug around in 4th or 5th gear on tick over rev's. Tested it and IO'm already saving money because there is nolabor or very little on the engines. so that will do me for now. If they ban vehicles, then I have aq couple of pushbikes and a Trike cycle which on the glat I can easily reach 25 to 30 mph. so the bike will be for general getting around and the trije will be good for the shopping and stuff. I'm totally ready for any SHITE they want to throw at us, there are ways round it. By the way DO NOT buy EV's be it a car or a bike. The 20 mph restriction is also being but in place so EV's can run for longer, this is why they are not developing EV's with Range. This applies to EV electric bikes as well. You will be paying for electricity out od laziness when a PUSHBIKE can actually go faster than an EF bike if you use the gears right. Are you ready for the BIG RESET? or sshoulkd that be the BIG - UPSET? I was a boy scout so I've spent my life being prepared, it's my natural mind set.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

Something I forgot to mention when I posted this video. When Cars or Vehicles in general start decreasing in numbes, it is planned for the Cyclist, push bike or EV bike to pick up the loses in revenue. EV's are set to be taxed to the hilt as well, So PLEASE don't waste you money on EV's of ANY TYPE. Remember 2030 is supposedly the date they STOP{ making ICE's, which is ironic seeing as the UK doesn'rt produce it's own Vehicles anyways? We in the UK produce.008 of Carbon compared to the rest of the world, this is purely a way of robbing us of out rights and freedom with this Net Zero BOLLOCK's. Next we'll be charged or fined by the FART or going ovcer the Walking pace or Running somewhere, you may laugh, but it is no more unreasonable and insane as what is already coming. I want toknow how an Economy is supposed to work with all this? Maybe it's not? I'd like to see what they think they will do, but I wont be complyingh or I'll already be dead

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