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Thick White Girl Complains About Men Not Approaching Her

Published on 29 Apr 2022 / In Entertainment
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lordswagsire 2 years ago

Women demanded, yelled, VOTED for this WORLD. And i do not want to be Falsely Accused and/or Metoo'd.

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ArgonRaysabre 2 years ago

Oh well. This is the world women wanted, so if they're suffering, good. It's what they deserve.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 years ago

When stupid gaames weren't enough they wanted a whole stupid carnival, and when the carnival wasn't enough we got clown world.

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ArgonRaysabre 2 years ago

@DutchCobbler: Bro...I'm totally stealing that line. Brilliant.

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audiophile641 2 years ago

Women always wanting to do some fuckery and stupidity to men,I generally just ignore most women who try to talk to me.They will do everything and anything to get us to notice them EXCEPT BEING HONEST AND REAL .They are all attention whores at all ages and stages of their lives, nothing more than emotional children trapped in adults bodies.

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ArgonRaysabre 2 years ago

"They will do everything and anything to get us to notice them EXCEPT BEING HONEST AND REAL ." Couldn't have said it better myself.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Chad and Tyrone will always be welcome to talk to her. The "three men", were probably incels. Lol.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 years ago

Guys, don't bother approaching. Even if she says yes, even if you get somewhere with her, even if the two of you become something 'serious', she's just not really into you, she's into what you do for her or how you make her feel. you are totally interchangeable.

What I'm about to add isn't a brag, it's a warning.

I'm the guy women approach. I'm the guy women 'shoot their shot' and tell me how hot I am. I'm the guy that makes them blush and stir nervously in their seat. I don't consider myself a hot guy, but I am still 'that guy'. One of the most common things they tell me when they start flirting with me or confessing out of the corner of their mouths how attracted they are to me, is that they aren't single. I was leaving a dentist's office once and a young Mexican woman, very cute, probably early 20s, just out of the blue started telling me I was gorgeous and if she wasn't engaged that she'd be all over me. I think that was her loose way of inviting me to give her an invitation to cheat or even dump her fiance for a guy who's name she didn't even know.

I used to think this was limited to bars (which was one of the biggest reasons I stopped going to bars) but now it's everywhere.

If you think she's into you or you are her type you're probably very wrong. it's not about you, it's about what you provide for her or how you make her feel. YOU may as well be anyone, and odds are there's probably someone like me out there she's ready to dump you for in a heartbeat.

Wish i could be less cynical, but I've seen too much of how women are willing to be disloyal with me to believe they can be loyal to anyone.... with precious RARE exception.

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