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Thinking is bad & the elites won't be happy until they control every thought and word

Published on 10 Jul 2024 / In People & Blogs

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deathdealer 8 months ago

All leftists are totalitariam scum and filth, especially the feminazis. This will only keep getting worse. You are getting closer to the real problems of the world on this. Censorship is the way the leftoid scum hide their depredations on society. We need strong, I say again strong, men to solve this. DO NOT yield to any of this leftist crap. Call it out where you see it and stand against it. Without their simp/cuck security their evil movement will fall. Stay strong!

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NeoGeoGamer 8 months ago

Elon Musk naming his kid: X AE 2-12
Elon Musk naming his company: X

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Toki 8 months ago

I told you Musk is a cuck con artist. I also like how he takes credit for all the businesses "he owns." How can one person run all these businesses? It's impossible and inefficient. One of these businesses is an EV company for F's sake. A real insult to the legit Nicola Tesla. While men are at work making Elon uber wealthy. Elon is banging a prostitute and doing cocaine. While his worker's efforts go to all his ex-baby mommas. His title and position should not exist at all. Another commie president position basically. Men do the work, nancy boys like Elon reap the benefits. Then Elon wastes all his wealth on whores, his bastard children, and hard drugs. Such a great person huh? Just like Hunter Biden.

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Furioso 8 months ago

Where's Eggy Noggy ? He was so in love with Musk .I told him and everyone else that he was a globalist transhumanist satan's spawn ,do you know why he change the name of twitter for X ? It's because XX is the symbol of Saturn aka Satan .Xmen (Transhuman mutants) ,XboX serie X from Microsoft (Bill Gates with his Coshit19 vaccine and his luciferase gene therapy)... Do you understand now ? One more thing ,an other scamdemic will come so if you want to stay "free"/ don't want to see your relatives dead ,don't do what these scumbags and medias will tell you

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

X is dead... damn right. I was considering joining it... glad I did not. We need an X/Twitter replacement for Free Speech and allow users to choose filters say to block fags, porn, raging lesbian scissoring fights, etc chosen by the user not the platform. I understand Mastodon exists... and Telegraph. I heard Telegraph is namely CIA or Federal agents and some Europeans... coded ops comm likely.

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