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Thinking Out Loud

Published on 23 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 6 hours ago

Damn... I see you've been busy with uhm the chalk...

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Seamus 7 hours ago

The terms Bedlam/Mayhem are derived from the 15th century London Hospital, St. Mary of Bethlehem...a psychiatric institution for the mentally ill...where many of our nonrational cohorts may find a "Happy Home'...

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 7 hours ago

I think now it would be better in a mental hospital for me as it would be more normal than out in the world

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Seamus 10 7 hours ago

Humans are wired to worry. (Survival Instinct). Whereas Men channel this reaction via rational/logical conjecture to resolve the issue mentally and, if needed, to physically construct apparati. Femons channel their reaction via nonrational/emotions to complain (primarily to a man), to resolve the issue. Removing the Man from the equation sends the Femons feedback loop of worry into an endless 'do-loop" of hysteria.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 7 hours ago

You mean they go Nuts!

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WMHarrison94 6 hours ago

So... what you're saying is femons are the quarters you toss in those circular spin the coins until they go down the hole in the center... the spinning is their worries... the coins are the femons...

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James1225 7 hours ago

Born a communist with no brain, femons thrive in make believe. A Potemkin village of horrors of sorts, unfortunately men have to cleanup the mess…clown world…..Cheers, it will get worse lol…

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WMHarrison94 6 hours ago

Buy some woodchippers... line them up on a cliff with the sea below... should help with clean up plus add nutrients to the sea... don't you guys depend on fish for your diet? Fish N Chips, right?

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