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This cunt is a fucking psycho

Published on 06 Dec 2024 / In Film & Animation


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mrghoster 3 months ago

Don't worry shane this THING has just flown in from another shifting dimension or just another DELUDED women. They have to get this shit into you as well not just minds but bodies. Naturally the up side is this CUNT has already told any t....rist attacker where to place the Bomb! lol! I my self have just accepted the human race is FUCKED and have the best day I can these day's, but I'm old and don't give a shit asbout anything but myself these days, why bother thinking any other way. Been listening to lot's of time shift and other dimension vid's and apparently at the point of death we shift anyway? Hope it's true, even science is considering it? Apparently people can die a number of times in their lives and shift but they don't know it? Wouldn't that be great? lol! A true fact is for me anyways was I was born and then died for two minutes resperated and put in an oxygen Tent. soi I don't even know if I was ever the fucker that was supposed to be here in the first polace? lol! I have a theory that the SOUL doesn't actually enter a body until after birth? My premise is that the trauma of being born would be so great that everyone would go insane if they could remember it? As for this CUNT anyways, it's just talking out of that crusty CUNT to start with? first I've heard about a "vaccine" for all ill's?

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BIGLOAD 3 months ago

It's a 'new' chaptah in Murder.

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James1225 3 months ago

The disease, the so called Marxist feminist utopians whom engineer death and tyranny. Lol clown world on estrogen insanity…

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This fucking bitch stepped into the shoes of Dan Andrews when he fled the country.

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James1225 3 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: cheer up take your booster, your problems of living in a nightmare will ebb,,,,,lol

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@James1225: I made a video - the psychology of mass murderers - and I pointed out that it wasn't the lone gunman that was the dangerous nut case, it was all the fucking obedient people that ARE the mass muderers, and they exist in LARGE NUMBERS

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@James1225: The Psychology of Mass Murders and Serial Killers (The Normies) https://www.mgtow.tv/v/PER518

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I am so looking forward to the bad news.....

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