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This Is A Disgrace

Published on 23 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is a disgrace, who the FUCK do supermarket's think they are? since Covid I've abandoned many branded supermarket BIG names like TESCO especially for their treatment of the customers and puiblic in general when the little JEW hitler's tried to get their own back for the holocaust or something. fucking traffic lights and one way systems and people having to stand out in the rain just to get food. I also have abandoned the NHS completely seeing as I had to stand outside the surery in the rain through out covid. but shops thinking they can treat the public like this? I'm not alone either I have found many people have a list of shop'#s they just will not frequent for similar reason's. this also applies to theirPetrol/Gas stations that chrge you a large fee just to get a couple of bucks of gas. What if that short term fee cost you Bank charges in these cost of living crisis times. and don't get me going on BANKS a bunch of jew con men as far as I am concerned. closing people account's becaus ethey don't agree with the banks politic's as happened with Farage. I'm sick to death with the human race completely.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

They try the same in Canada. I don't even play that game.

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