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Published on 21 Aug 2020 / In Other

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Codexman 4 years ago

Wow what a powerful video. What strikes me is that everyone and there brother want to believe in some thing. As of late its BLM, communism white supremacy the patriarchy science etc.......all systems of belief I might add And yet here is belief in a God. I'm supposed to believe all the narratives thrust upon me. Screw that , I'll go with the Biblical narrative thank you very much. Let me know whats on the other side when you all die..Me too...Whatever you believe Make your choice and live it

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mrghoster 4 years ago

If it's their land why are they so bitter about it? a little Maturity and less anger would make their own land worth living in for them. as they say You create your own Heaven and Hell in your life? it appears such bitterness causes them to be angry with themselves not settlers, what about when they attack Palestine or the rest of the world with their shitty way's and Barbaric dogma?

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Doesn't thew Bible say something about God abandoning his people/ I think it's in revelation? correct me if I'm wrong guy's. i think we are ALL living in a period when GOD has abandoned us all regardless of the man made ethic's they attach to belief? religion is a touchy subject and i hope my words of logic rather than Dogma doesn't offend, i apologize in advance, my conscience is clear.

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Doggk 4 years ago

God hasn't abandonned us... You can thank Yeshua for this..

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Israel Or (IsRaEl) three separate gods in one name, Israel is the Thiefdom of the Rothschild's, Swiss Banks are their Jew bankers which is why they were neutral in WW2 and all the Gold went there.

On the mistreatment of christian's? well I seem to remember the so called Christians having mas genocide against so called heretic's in the various Inquisition's? what's the saying? What goes around comes around?

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cth96190 4 years ago

The USA and the rest of the West support Israel . . . why? Because they are owned by Jewish bankers, for whom politicians are puppets.

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Doggk 4 years ago

No because, USA and Europe are Caucasians, in other words they have the same ancestors but they didn't take the same path... Elites know they're brothers.. but the people do not..

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