Redpill asylum vol 1 - RedKnight
This Is How Men Shock Women!
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Advice from a Soyboi that cant open a Picklejar....that Fag
Hmm... Alexander... haven't watched him in a while... bet he got kicked off campuses for exposing cunt nature!
psychology, psychology, psychology ...
When are you men's libbers going to move on to the next major phase of men's gender political history, and FIGHT for the BIG things, like the men fairing of the gender laws, the reform of the divorce courts, the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), the FIPping of women, etc., that will affect the lives of MILLIONS of men, rather than pissing around with psychological advice???
20 views and no comments !?- Does this tell me most guys here are weak ?- No I don't think so - I think most are just so tired of women's bull shit we just don't give a shit and chasing women any women is just NOT worth the consequences - If you get one - The cost of keeping one is high and *when* not if you breakup will cost even more .- So that's why it's better to just walk away Gentlemen - Men going there own way ! = More money and a less chaotic life .- What is a women worth 10 minutes of sex twice a week maybe ? Hardly worth losing half of everything you have worked for -For your entire LIFE !
Not many people do the sums - IF the woman is into idiots, then she is an idiot.
Guess what? Dump her because your just picking a retarded liability.
What is so wrong with you that your picking a stupid cunt?
I am so glad that Alexander Grace is jumping into the fight - saying, "Don't be a fucking Tool - don't pick up trash bags".
Download this, and rip it to MP3 and make good use of it.
The 7 main differences between healthy and addictive relationships