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This is how they make butter- The first ingredient will shock you

Published on 09 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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He goes too light on the salt.

3 different recipes.

The basic idea.

Whip the cream into butter, crain the butter milk, add the salt and mix through.

He adds just sprinkle and does not mix it through.

Salt has a definitely beneficial preservative effect.

Salt is made up of just under 40% sodium and just over 60% chloride by weight, so 10 g contains 4g of sodium and 6 grams of chloride.


2.5 litres (4 pints) double cream
2 tbsp live natural yogurt
2 tbsp fine sea salt

Keep working until the butter is clean and dry. Add the 2 tablespoons of salt to the butter (or at least 2 per cent of the butter’s weight in salt)


Most commercial salted butters:

Typically contain 5.5 grams of salt per 100 grams of butter - give or take a bit.

Or 1 small heaped teaspoon of salt per 100 grams.


The salt content has a definite say so on the shelf life of butter - as does storage temperature (cold) and protecting the butter from oxygen - by paper coated foil wrapping....

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Cool. I have one of those...

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What? You have a hansom young Aussie man in the kitchen? Goodness Me!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: No, the Kitchen Aid wipper thing... though I the Aussie cook or chef I guess would make a rather good kitchen aide too?!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Dammit Shane... not you hot me considreig if a gay chef's boytoy or "huband" is a kitchen aide too? Well, it's likely they spreading AIDS so... I would say we could ask Big Mike, but his gay chefs don't have a good turnover rate or survival rate for that matter... LOL!

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@WMHarrison94: Naaa Just kidding - the FRESH butter on toast.... You know all these truly fabulous Michelin 5 Star Resturaunts and all - they are fantastic - truly.... But there is something very, very nice, about a well buttered bit of good toast made from a truly decent bread.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Have you made homemade bread? Fresh KETO homemade bread? Imagine that with fresh butter or honey buuter or thqt cinnamon with monk fruit/stevia instead of sugar... Damn, it's like you need a bigger kitchen and fridge. Oh, I just remembered I bought some lobster ravoli at Amazon's Whole Foods on sale. Sounds like dinner tonight! minus the fresh butter...

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@WMHarrison94: Yeah got into sour dough there for a while - natural atmospheric yeast - and taking a bit of the mix out and add a little more flour and water..... People think of sour dough as some kind of miracle bread, it's not, it's just easier and faster to dose dough with live yeast culture, if your the village bakery, than it is to wait around for it to get infested with yeast and eventually rise. AND wild strains have varying characteristics, compared to a bred single strain yeasts.... BUT you really do need to be making bread reularly for it to be viable... not one loaf every 3 or 4 days. But all these people going, "Oh Sourdough Bread! - It's a miracle health food". It's not - it's the only way to keep a constant supply of live and active yeast on hand at a bakery... Works nice if you can keep it all fairly formulaic - making 10,000 loaves a day - keeping the batchs measured and in proportion and reasonably well temperature controlled.... Works really well then.

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Butter Milk is fucking YUMMY.

So if freshly made butter.

Back in the most backward place on the planet - my homelands - when we wanted butter, we just shook the cow.

It seemed easier that way.

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