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This is living - Men and Dogs - hunting as a family pack.

Published on 14 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Now that was AWESOME!

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The good strong fit and healthy dogs - yeah have teeth will kill.... They look beautiful when they are running... AND it's why unless it's something small like a rabbit - it's what makes dogs so dangerous - are the deep bite wounds AND the tearing of the flesh to rip open a heap of blood vessels to cause massive blood loss..... When the dogs sink their teeth in and jerk backwards with all their weight and shake their head side to side... these are death moves... So when the police shoot dogs - it's generally entirely justified.. ... The dogs ARE dangerous.

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Ummm one guy in a drawing office at an engineering firm gave me an experience - they used an old blue printing machine to make copies of drawings - and it's a good cheap method to make huge images - but they use a strong solution of Ammonia in water to as part of the image copying process. BUT - unlike cloudy ammonia from the supermarket - this stuff is about 80% ammonia (I remembered that) - and you don't do mean shit to trick people - but it's like giving people some hot chillies - you don't trick them, but you can say, "This is really fucking hot - but I would like to share a little bit of it with you so you can see what it is like... It's REAL hot..." - and then it is not cruel... You know so he didn't fill me in as well as he could but he said, "Just take a little bit of a sniff of this - and don't poke your nose right into the open bottle" So I did - and it was like lightening bolts going off inside my head... getting hit in the face / nose with a cricket bat.... Fuck Me! WOW... and it was a GOOD expereince from an educational point of view... a) Ammonia is only really bad, depending upon the strength - as you can buy dutch liquorish with ammonium chloride salt on it... and it's really good... then you can buy cloudy ammonia from the supermarket which is fine for cleaning - diluted and with the doors and windows open and a breeze blowing through the place - but b) NOW I understand why people shit bricks and run for their lives - upwind, when there is a leak at an ammonia based refrigeration plant - like a meatworks etc.. like EVACUATE - get out of there. and c) I knew of an electrical meter reader, who used to carry a small spray bottle of ammonia and when he entered yards and a dog came at him, he would spray ammonia at the dog and the dog would bolt - going "Yike Yike Yike!" at the strong dose of ammonia fumes up it's nose.... You know... Go out of your way to get access to some STRONG ammonia solution used in the OLD blue printing machines.... It's a truly profound experience... https://nextwhatbusiness.com/b....lueprint-ammonia-pri ---- https://frankaviation.ch/wp-co....ntent/uploads/2018/1

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