This is the most disturbing muslim "refugee" video you will ever see
Published on 20 May 2020 / In
News & Politics
This is the most disturbing muslim "refugee" video you will ever see
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world war z all over again
People are so brainwashed and indoctrinated into the leftist way of thinking they cannot see they are enabling their own destruction........ Beam me up Scotty, there is very little intelligent life left on this planet...........
I dont even have to watch this . It's there plan the long game. Get in The country does not matter what country. Have 5 wife's have 5 baby's each ! ! And in 18 or so years Thay have all the votes Thay need and take over without firing a shot. END OF GAME . And the end of the culture of each country , END of the way of life as you know it... The END ! ! !