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Published on 05 Nov 2020 / In Other

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KEEPER 4 years ago

this is why you keep driving....lol gotta hit the high score nah saying?

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AbyssWatcher 4 years ago

The whole most men are in jail...is not true. In the USA, around 8% of black men are in jail of course for whites the percentage is less. The problem is the black females choose dudes in or from jail over the good men. Also, good men get abused, taken advantage of and robbed in those neighbrhoods so they flee to other communities and in some cases get with a female of another community and stay around that community.When good men flee an area...only evil remains...some of the evil is what this video has captured

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

Mmmm yes

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Doggk 4 years ago

Yup if they're not only in jail, they're in graveyards... But most jails in the USA have more than 50 % black males.. + The black females don't give a shit about black men.. They rule over the black males because their new babydaddiy is the governement.. They only use the black males to get babies and then they go cry to the governement for childsupport and welfare.. When the dude is unable to pay for various reasons.. They put him in jail (free labor for the governement in other terms: Modern slavery)... Look how much men are in jail for unpaid childsupport, most of them are black.. Black females are like spiders.. They use the males to get their babies, then they eat the males.. If there's nothing else to eat they'll eat their children.. That's the best description of black women these days !

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AbyssWatcher 4 years ago

@Doggk: ....look....total population of blacks in prison in the usa...37.5%....that's around 560,000. the total population of black men in the usa is lets say 20 million. 560,000 of 20,000,000 is near or above 3%. 3% of black men in the usa are in jail....3% is waaaay less than 50%. They been lying that half of all black men are in jail. This is false. The black females INTENTIONALLY get with black males that are in or just got out of prison because....THEY ARE EASIER TO CONTROL. Afterall...a male coming out from prison has a greater uphill battle rising through society and less opportunities versus a free male. Black females know this...that's is why they overwhelming get with black males from prison

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Doggk 4 years ago

@AbyssWatcher: I don't speak about how much black males are in jail in whole USA but about the amount of blacks you have per jail.. When you take a look in 1 jail theres more black men than anything else mixed together.. So when you say 3% euh.. I'm not sure about that.. I don't trust numbers when it comes to modern slavery.. In most of these neighberhoods there's more females than males and that's a fact.. Because they are in jail, dead or they fled the neighberhood.. But the fact that these ex-prisonners are the best target for black women is logic, they can also get rid of these dudes very easily, just by calling the cops on him and say bullshit.. Same thing again, the spider..

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

Great comments, one and all, but i must caution you of the future - which will turn every neighborhood into this , regardless of creed or culture, which is why they have taken the worst aspects of media - especially "hip-hop" - and weaponized it to bring down man and nation alike.

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Holocaustic 4 years ago

hey, hey, we're the monkeys, people say we monkey around. We're too busy chimpin' to put our fuckin' crack pipes down.

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This is Detroit or St. Louis.

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Doggk_Re_Uploads 4 years ago

I don't know.. It's a possiblity.. You're american so you know better than me ;-)

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@Doggk_Re_Uploads: Looks like one of the two I think.

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