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THIS is Why Many Women will End Up Alone

Published on 08 Feb 2021 / In Entertainment

Have you heard of the '6 Sixes' that women look for in a man? Well - part of the reason women are going to end up ALONE in the end is because they date so many different men that they create completely unrealistic standards of the type of me that will actually COMMIT to them long term.

In this video we are going to dive into some of the statistics about why her expectations are completely unrealistic for what she 'expects' she should get in a boyfriend or husband.



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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 4 years ago

Notice that we rarely talk about the male standard? Men are more forgiving and flexible, we also think for ourselves more than women that are subject to the herd.

Do men want women under 5'10"? What about weight, hair, and chest size? Do we give a shit about cock count? What about her "career" life? How's that fertility window?

The plain and simple is that many men are willing to compromise because women are hypergamous and men prefer loyalty and faithfulness. Not all men demand a virgin woman, but most men realize that a broken hymen means an eventual broken relationship because a high body count means a low chance of pair bonding.

I love that men of all stripe are finally growing some backbone and responding rather than rolling over of that HPV and tuna melt on sourdough with a side of flapjack tits and heavy heavy baggage. This "I mam the table" mentality has blown it for a lot of women, and will make millionaires out of men holding stock in kitty litter and Purina.

The sad part, if these women, even the used up ones, weren't such narcissists and weren't so greedy, they'd probably not only be married, they'd probably be happier people.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

It's true. They never adjust their price to correspond with their depreciating value. In fact, I've noticed that as women age they will jack up their demands more and more despite having less to offer than before. It doesn't have to be the 6s necessarily but still more than they're worth. I am not 6 feet tall, don't make 6 figures and not ashamed to say that I am average in size. I have two examples that slightly relate to this topic;

In my early 30s, through a bizarre series of events I started seeing an 18 year old. This young woman didn't have a dynamite body or huge sex drive. She was a virgin (!) and was a slender girl with modest features.... what set her apart from all other women I've been with was that she was grateful and happy with any little thing that I did or gave her. She was grateful just to spend time together which was really refreshing. When we spent time with her little gal friends, they were about the same. When we had sex she was obviously very shy and nervous but was eager to learn. Eventually it became part of our routine and she was seemed to look forward to it as opposed to viewing it as some sort of chore. I wasn't with this young woman very long, only a couple of months but it was a nice couple of months. She broke up with me which wasn't surprising. Her whole world opened up when she was with me and I knew she would be leaving, I also knew she'd be back............ she knocked on my door several months later, pregnant of course. She looked awful but I just slammed the door in her face and went back to bed.

The next woman I started seeing is a perfect contrast. She was in her early 40s, single mother with 2 kids, slightly overweight, etc. She didn't have almost any T&A but that's fine, I could live with that. However, she treated sex as something she "had to do for me" which made it really unpleasant. I always thought that "There is no such thing as bad sex." but she proved that wrong. It was worse than Star-fishing, she seemed to actively despise having sex with me or perhaps sex in general but the point was, she treated it like a tedious chore right from the first time. Naturally, she wanted me to help her pay for a bunch of crap and also to help her raise her bastard kids. Worst of all, although she never told me directly, I kept getting the distinct feeling that in her mind she "settled" for me which I found extremely insulting and unacceptable. I can't believe other men would ever stay with that type of woman or any woman remotely resembling that.

Basically I'd like to add to the video; They demand more as they get older even though they are objectively less valuable than before.

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sorearm 4 years ago

Their entitlement knows no bounds. They are getting moaaaarrrrrr cock in their 20s then think they're still entitled to the same level of chad and tyrone in their late 20s/early 30s .... then the reality of the wall hits and they go for the cats and wine. .... then they cry 'where are all the good men, who hurt you?' and grow embittered old crows. Women's squirrel brained hypergamy and entitlement makes these 49ers hold out for the golden Chad. Let them burn

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All of these SIX's could be demonic manifestations.... in her 18" deep anus.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Surely your JUNK length is immaterial if you have a 6 figure income, because women want the bulge in you pant's, but it's usually your WALLET! lol!

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