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This Is why Thirst Trapping Is The Becoming The New Standard Of Female Content & Its Hilariously Sad

Published on 21 Mar 2022 / In Entertainment

This Is why Thirst Trapping Is The Becoming The New Standard Of Female Content & Its Hilariously Sad

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joolco22 2 years ago

Obviously this thot is for sale. why else would she dress like a tramp

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Mr_Sluggo 2 years ago

Exactly...I didn't hear a damn word she said either. All i heard was the Charlie Brown teacher noise while looking at her boobs.

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TheDemonKing 2 years ago

Love them titties....what did you say? Sorry I didn't catch that I was looking at your tits can you put on a sweater or something I can't focus?

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

Carefully applied makeup
Carefully filtered lighting conditions
Carefully positioned camera angle
Carefully selected 'wardrobe'
Carefully assumed pose
All to say something inane and show off a set of obviously fake tits.

This is what women have become: desperate attention seekers with no sense of self-worth, only costumes, prosthetic tits, and a few pointless words. you know that wasn't her first take, and you know she spent a lot of time, money and effort setting herself up to look like that for a Tik Tok. That's her priority, that's her achievement.

We're not in the wrong here. A few seconds of amusement, for some of you an eyefull, meanwhile this woman has spent so much of herself for a shallow bit of clout(?). Time is precious, and she spent more time on this than I spent on commenting on this.

If this is all she believes she's worth than she doesn't think much of herself.

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She has got nice tits, BUT having a lack of brains, no personality and being a manipulative shit, outweighs the tits and tart show.
Take away her cunt, and she has nothing.
Is she an ageing single mother, or a married slut?
Either way - she is vile. Just look her in the eyes in the pause.
Patrice O_Neal - Don_t Let Women Waste Your Time - https://www.mgtow.tv/v/pocVEp

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Great tities, really, i saw and heard nothing else during the whole video

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@communistnazicapitalist: Yeah I get the mesmerised joke, but watch her eyes...... She is a manipulative, game playing cunt. There is nothing nice about her.

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Based on the her sexual displays this specimen is looking to be mounted by a suitable chad perhaps a tyrone maybe both

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@communistnazicapitalist: You don't get this do you. She is a manipulator, for weak minded men.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Sexual arrousal does decrease men's intelligence quotient

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