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Published on 24 Apr 2021 / In News & Politics









Debunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith,
Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for this
Cult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’,
‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or were

never caught in their mind-traps

⁣The most blatant criminal racial vilification and incitement to genocide ever captured on camera. Please share this video as many places as you can, download it and upload it to as many cites as you can, and please send copies of this video and report it to your local authorities, send copies to you local media outlets, newspapers, cable news channels, radio talk shows, and anything else you can think of. I publish this in good faith, with the best of intentions, in the interests of the public, whether 'jew' or 'gentile' a.k.a 'amalek'. We must prosecute this hate speech, this racial vilification, this incitement to genocide, and launch public investigations to determine how widespread these beliefs are among the 'Jewish' community, and to ensure that such hate speech, racial vilification, and incitement to genocide is publicly denounced and renounced by ALL 'Jews' and 'Gentiles'. TROONATNOOR This lecture series, "The 70 Most Difficult Questions in Judaism" delivered by Rabbi Elyahu Kin between 2007-2009, discusses some of the more challenging and esoteric questions in Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism that people often raise. This last lecture of the series deals with one of the most unusual commandments in the Torah - to wage an eternal battle with Amalek. PLEASE COPY AND PASTE THIS ANYWHERE YOU CAN?

This lecture series, "The 70 Most Difficult Questions in Judaism" delivered by Rabbi Elyahu Kin between 2007-2009, discusses some of the more challenging and esoteric questions in Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism that people often raise. This last lecture of the series deals with one of the most unusual commandments in the Torah - to wage an eternal battle with Amalek.?

Please read my notes on this video at:

https://thephilsopherprophetof................theedenp Read this quickly. Then watch the entire video or skip to the times indicated.
If you cannot grasp the importance of sharing this, discussing it, sending it to your law enforcement agencies, your intelligence agencies, your elected officials, your police, your friends, your colleauges, and so on, then I have wasted a decade of my life researching and investigating the Cult of Judah. You are doomed if you do not grasp this opportunity to make progress in the war against the enemy of humanity. The Cult of Judah. And any further attempts I might make to oppose them would be futile and pointless.
Go to my TROONATNOOR ****ute, Dtube.video, Wordpress, Patreon, and Spreaker pages to watch all my videos, and download all my relevant books at no cost to you. I risk everything. And no-one supports me. And I clearly understand that nothing anyone else is doing, that I am aware of, is going to succeed. I have the strategies that can work. Peacefully. To save us, and the Jews, from the Cult of Judah.
If I don't get a few thousand people supporting me, then I'd be an idiot to waste my time trying to save a world that I would never personally choose to be new-incarnated into. So I have nothing to lose. No family. No real emotional investment. My sole motivation has been the pursuit of truth, justice, and fairness for all sentient beings. Maybe this plane was actually designed to teach us some lessons. I hope I've learned mine and never need return here. Please download my videos (about 500), and books, from my sites, as soon as you can. Share them, seed them etc. Translate them. Writing this is making me physically sick. I've been banned by so many places so many times and face prison and much worse if I ever attempt to return to my ‘home'. Soon they will erase all my books and videos from the web.
I really want to swear at you at the top of my lungs because you are so….
Our enemy has stated his position. Here. Unequivocably. Beyond any doubt. If you don't help me win this battle, you will soon be murdering each other. Like you have always done in the past. And this time the Cult of Judah will have everything in place to occupy every position of power in this world, and install its ‘Jew' World Order.
The frustration with those people I am trying to save, ‘Jew' and the rest of us, alike, is just too much to bear.
If you don't support me now, then I will fade out. Get back to my personal salavation. And to veganising this plane. If possibly. Ironically it seems the only people capable and willing to do this are the Cult of Judah itself. So hey, I will have to focus on this one ‘positive'. Mind you, they are going to murder billions of animals, along with people, before this ‘veganisation' takes place.
I have devoted so much to helping you, and you appear to have some ‘karma' guiding you to your own suffering, destruction, and enslavement.
Far be it from me to question the wisdom of Karma.
So, join me in strategies what can work, peacefully, and effectively, and quickly, or continue ignoring ME, and I will simply HAVE to attempt to ignore the suffering that is coming to YOU, very soon.
What a stupid position to be in. An ethical philosopher on this earth. Unbearable. Socrates took the easier way out. Aristotle ‘escaped'. But they faced just one city. I have nowhere to escape to. Nor do you. Not in this life anyway.
So I guess I wish you all ‘happy next lives'. And urge you to ‘Go Vegan', ‘For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you'.
So now to the notes on the video:

The 17 most difficult questions in Judaism
The last, most ‘difficult' questions
Torah or . net … his website
Lectures … later in Israel
From: 1 mins
The Question of Amalek…on the day after Purim…this evil power…
1:28 We are commanded to eliminate (Amalek) by Hashem (God?)
2 mins: Why does this commandment ‘appear' to be so cruel?...After all it asks of us to exterminate, to kill, men, women, and children…
2.30 mins: …here we are asked to be cruel, to not have any pity, and then the Torah goes on to say, ‘and don't forget the animals too ...
2.58…we have this commandment of eliminating Amalek, how are we to identify who he is? … We're told Amalek hates us…so the question is where does that hatred that he has come from?...
3:45mins…why isn't Hashem's chair complete, intact, until the day will come when Amalek is eliminated…and how and when will this happen.
5 mins: what is good and what is evil…not what we think…the ultimate good is that which brings about the fulfillment of gods will in this world / our mission…so evil is anything that …is opposed to this…
6:10 to allow Jews to have ‘free will' to be tempted, confused, challenged… choice to decide between good and evil…purpose of creation to reward right decisions…there is an afterworld, eternal world…where will be rewarded for ‘doing your job'…(the mission / ambition of the Cult of Judah as a ‘Jew' World Order)
7:45 the face of evil…Amalek…it is against ‘the purpose of creation' (The ‘Jew' world order / rule of Cult of Judah)
10:40 emptiness of faith in supreme being…devoid of any meaning…confusion…right and wrong confused..Lack of clarity…judgement of good and evil…with ‘guidance' (Of cult of Judah) can come to know truth…
12:40 there is an enemy out there…against god…against you…a serpent…his job to lure you away from your mission (Genocide of all opponents of the ‘Jew' World Order)…
13:45 when we don't do what Hashem expects of us…evil…
15:56 some souls are more divine than others…
16:35 Rabbi's tell us that ‘his' chances (any random baby's) are greater of being bad than being good
17:00 Hashem of course has a mission for humanity …
17:20 the only one who is capable of doing this job right … is one whose soul …is more divine…has more of a concentration of good than evil…Hashem needs a people, a soul, a people, that will carry out this mission, to ‘rectify' the world…
18:10 …the filtering process…there are no jewish people at the beginning…Noah doesn't get torah…Torah eventually will be given and it will provide the blueprint, a guide, a map, to the jewish people, to a nation… so Hashem has to filter out … on the level of the soul…generation by generation…the evil…
19:35…Abraham discovered Hashem, discovered God (so Hashem is God)…His life was devoted to acts of goodness (You should read the Torah yourself for a description of t hese ‘good' acts!)
21:00…they have to be subjected to some slavery (in Egypt)…refinement to prepare…elevated to highest levels…
21:45 a soul that is prepared to do gods will…without any questions…because they are refined…
22:15 Jews receiving concentrated dose of divine souls…and theres somewhere out there who is receiveing a concentrated dose of unrefined souls…one area that is concentrated completely evil at its highest form…Amalek…
23:17 so now … we have a problem, we have a concentration of evil out there, and we have a concentration of good…Amalek with therefore become the arch enemy of the Jews… just like we have our torah that tells us what to do…their torah is to oppose our torah…it is evil concentrated…it doesn't feel comfortable in the presence of good…real evil…cannot take it when there's the presence of good…the real evil will not tolerate the torah, the philosophy, the teachings of good…
26:10 the ‘minister' of Amalek is Satan himself…fueled by acts of evil…becomes bigger and stronger…he depends on this fuel called evil…so long as have this fuel around, have Satan around
27:38…it is man's job to destroy him…but which man's job?... mostly the jewish people…to fix this world, to rectify this world…to bring about Hashem's dwelling in this world…only we can do a good job of this… (through acts of kindness and goodness that include genocide of all opponents of the Cult of Judahs' ‘Jew' world Order which is already in place, and about to be consolidated via genocide of all who oppose the ‘Jews' ambition)…
28:35 who can make a difference?... only the Jews…only through the Torah can we defeat…evil … The jewish people need to do it (annihilate Amalek) …he's a trouble maker…we cannot allow him to exist…he is the one who is interfering with our job…(of establishing a ‘Jew' World Order)
30:00 What is there not to like about the Jew?... Our Torah bothers him (because it is full of morality, ethics, being good, being nice? (WTF please read your Old Testament folks to comprehend how this Rabbi ‘defines' these concepts!)
30:30 claims Hitler said ‘why feel bad about it'…i.e ‘conscience'…compare this to role models of ‘ripping up pregnant women, dashing their little ones heads against the stones, mass rape, genocide…really infuriatingly arrogant and hypocritical…it seems ‘Christians' seem to take the Noahide law that gentiles should prosecute anyone who opposes the mission of the ‘Jews' / Torah0..
31.35 mins Hitler's teachings totally opposed to what we are teaching…
31:58 He (Amalek) cooled you off…Amalek has the danger of cooling off a ‘Jew' from his ‘immuna' (Cult indoctrinated dogma)…pouring cold water onto us…
32:40 mins…there is a creator, there is a boss…
32:50 Amaleks is to remove anybody who is attached to divinity or to doing acts of goodness, to move them away from that…and obviously the jew is the greatest representative of acts of goodness that there is…
33:30 mins He (Amalek) is very dangerous to the Jew …because his approach, when it comes to immuna, to faith, is to caste doubt in anything, ,…Amaleks approach, his tactic is to caste doubt, to ask all kinds of questions, and intentionally caste doubt…
33:50 One way that he does it also is through …he makes a mockery of everything, makes fun…you may find an individual out there in the street who doesn;t appear to be your enemy, per se, he doesn't appear to hate jews, but he makes fun off the torah, he mocks what the torah likes,…he doesn't have to be biologically Amaleky…to cool us off…how do you fight it?... common sense will not be able to defeat him, logic will not be able to defeat him, he you have to stay away from him (CULT!)
35:05…common sense is something precious to us (monopoly of ‘Jews'!)…common sense, logic, reason, truth, no not with a mocker, you will not be able to win…
36:00 Edomites…the Roman Empire is all Edom...
37:00 Amalek is scattered everywhere, including in Iran…Amalek is all over, but we shall soon see who he is
37:40 His heart rules his mind, so therefore his mind does not have any say…the truth can never come out…full of desire…enjoyment…difficult for him to come to terms with the truth, because his heart is in control…has the faculties to be able to discern between right and wrong,…but has his own agenda, his own personal interests…he cannot think properly, his mind does not have full control of his heart..
39:15 Amalek is not only a nation…it is a philosophy…a characteristic…that can exist even amongst jews..therefore the jew, in being instructed to ERADICATE this Amalek…to eliminate any vestige, any chaaracteristc…that is Amaleky in nature…by studying of Torah…
40:00 Why be so cruel to him? (Amalek)…Get rid of all of him, men, women and children?...Some people accuse us of being …those who believe in Genocide…and that's what this is calling for…right…being so cruel, sadistic…
Here brings up Hitler, and comparing all of Amalek to the people who allegedly committed the ‘HOlocaust'.. we all agree doctor should have cut up hitler as a baby and thrown him in the garbage..
42:45 (after having gone on about the ethics and nice and moral and kind jews) We are cruel to Amalek, we need to be, cos that is exactly what they will do to us if they had a chance, if they had a chance…he will destroy the jewish people…
43:00 If you don't believe me, look at the story of Haman (! Of course could not be propaganda to justify the whole concept of ‘prememptive strikes' which dominates occupied Jew.S.A / NATO military policy and that of Israel) …that is exactly what he attempted to do…the men women and children…and throughout history there were attempts and plots to carry out exactly that…what about hitler himself, didn't he try to do that too?...babies…he didn't care…is that being cruel to him or is that self defence…
43:30 If we do not do it to him, he will do it to us, so is that being cruel to him, or is that self defence…The torah says, listen, you've got to do it, because he is going to do it to you..
44:45Amalek from the very beginning had that built in hatred…he is the concentration of hatred…this is the concentration of evil, the greatest evil, the arch enemy of the jew, what difference does it make if it is a baby or an adult…it is the same thing…this baby will eventually try to harm you…do it to him before he does it to you, and you better do it…cos he is your enemy…sworn enemy…he has to be to you a sworn enemy too…you understand?… that is the basic idea of why there is no pity whatsoever…but what about the animals? … they didn't do anything wrong…look at all these animal lovers…only fish have Hashems' blessing…Hashem does not want leave any opening whatsoever for pity on anything that belongs to or is associated with Amalek…
46.10 First king of jews made that mistake… …went against gods' will…he and his children were killed…whoever has pity on the cruel will eventually become cruel on those who deserve compassion…This King eventually driven crazy…he killed off an entire city of Kohenim…(MHR first attempt to free nation of Jews from Cult of Judah! By killing the Kohenim)
47:55 mins… The best way to love what Hashem loves, is to hate what Hashem hates. Hashem hates Amalek.
48:50…Amalek mocks, he ridicules, he opposes…The way to defeat Amalek…other than physical defeat…is through simple ‘Immuna'…not to ask ‘too much' questions…not to have any doubt .. there are many things we will not understand…does that mean we should stop doing what we are doing?...I know it is for my own benefit…he gave me this formula, this lifestyle…any jew that used philosophy or logic to try to explain Judaism…succumbed to the pressures…bedcause their immune was logical, was common sense, and that did not help them…it has to be pure, it has to be simple…that which we don't understand we accept anyway…otherwise during times of pressure people can break…therefore….
50:20 don't argue with him (Amalek), you're not going to win the argument…remember he's your arch enemy…he represents evil…you have to either eliminate him, otherwise he will eliminate you… it doesn't have to happen physically…there are a lot of jews…who have been totally assimilated… to the Amaleky type of lifestyle, that they are almost gone…so if you don't defeat him, if you don't wage a war against him, … you have the chance of being assimilated…part of learning from the ways of Amalek
51:10 The Torah tells us …two things…not only do you have to destroy him whenever you can (Dresden, Eisenhower's Death Camps for example), you may not always have the chance to destroy him physically, wage war against him…you're not always in control… you live in the …diaspora…can you do it…O.K this is an Amaleky, I'm going to get rid of him, you're gonna go to jail, you can't do it, so how do you do it…there are times when the way to eliminate him is to remind yourself…not to forget…
52:00 Let's befriend them, they're more civilized today…No…don't let your heart be appeased … complacent with Amalek…you can't say they have changed their colors… We can't forget what they have perpetrated against us throughout history…unfortunately people forget…
54:00 Amalek cools us off…he cools off our enthusiasm to do the service of Hashem (establish a Jew world order, commit genocide against Amalek etc)
54:40 Doing the job of defeating Amalek… when will Amalek come after you?...
55:30 God Fearing…disconnected from Torah…that's when Amalek has any power over us…
56:20 whenever jewish nation …'cools off' … from the immune..
56:45…So who is he today ? The answer is very clear, it's Germany. The concentration of Amalek is mostly in that country. You can see for yourself what they did and what they're capable of doing. This final war. The last war Gog and Magog. An assembly of many nations. (NATO) coming against the Jews at the time the Messiah arrives…the assembly of the nations against the jews…of all the evil sparks scattered all overtheworld that contain Amalek to destroy them and completely eliminate them once and for all…he wants us to do it…it is our job…when he gathers all these nations of the world to come against the Jews he is gathering all the nations … that have perpetrated evil against the jews in the past…Luxemburg…we don't know…we forget…hashem knows where every spot where jewish blood was spilled…in the final assempbly of nations against the jewish people which is going to come soon, we have reincarnated jewish souls…to get their revenge on the Goys…bringing together in the final day of judgmenet….there has not been justice done until now…Hashem's seat is not yet complete…all these years we have rampant violence, evil, …where's the justice? Where's god? It's unfair? How come people who are so good are suffering… how come the righteous jews have gone through so much pain and suffering… where is all the justice, if god exists how could he allow ‘the holocaust' to take place? ..but there is justice…hashem has a plan… all evil will cease to exist… when evil ceases to exist (which by definition means Amaleky men, women, children, and animals, as in the Torah role models and commands, and as commanded by this terrorist's racial vilification and incitement) …the truth comes out automatically…(yeh, like all the ‘truth' the Jew World Order mass media has brainwashed almost everyone with!)…
102 mins: What's the difference between Edom and Amalek? We spoke about Edom being the Grandfather of Amalek. Amalek is Germany… Edom includes most of Europe, it includes the U.S.A, it's the Roman Empire that was never destroyed…Edom is Italy…Italians and Germans should be friends? What does Italy have to do with Germany? They are the very opposites. Germans are cold. What does an Italian have to do with a German? Italy is the seat of ‘Edom'. Nations that speak Latin languages. That have some thing of the Roman Empire. Inlcuding America. They are first. America is part of Edom.
103:30…So what will be the end of Amalek?. …In the end Amalek will be destroyed. …and all forces of evil will be destroyed…this will happen in our generation. This will happen now, soon.
We have entered Israel. We are going to have a king. So we know the destruction of Amalek is imminent. Who meets them? Amalek. Right before we come to Isreal. Amalek attacks whenever the Jews come back to Israel. Because they know they are going to be destroyed.
106:20 mins: Struggle between the forces of good and evil.
106:50 they think that they are smarter than their forefathers…assimilated into Amalek…the collapse of the economy…Hashem is about to destroy … the money…assimilation has cooled a lot of jews immune , faith in him…many jews got caught up in this…
The time has finally arrived…2009…those who survive … are those who have strong immuna…clarity…Hashem will be King…
I have written a detailed commentary on this video on my Wordpress pages, and in my latest compilation of all my work on this topic.
All my talents and sacrifices and efforts are wasted on you, though, sadly. Or?
Remember, I am trying to save the ‘Jews' as well. Not destroy them. But free them. So they can stop with this b.s paranoia their ‘leaders' force down their throats.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

lol Hitler was shipping Jews off in the 30s to palestine free of charge on Nazi ships

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

now you know why the zionists want to kill you with the vaccine because they are too cowardly to fight you.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

btw who is this dirty jew?

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zyphr 4 years ago

PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THIS, AS MANY PLACES AS YOU CAN, WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN Debunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith, Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for this Cult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’, ‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or were never caught in their mind-traps

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zyphr 4 years ago

drive.google.com/file/d/1DAYK4ftM2b_Abit7lraBcvZ3QQuaRaZc/view PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THIS,AS MANY PLACES AS YOU CAN,WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CANDebunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith,Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for thisCult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’,‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or werenever caught in their mind-traps

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zyphr 4 years ago

drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zVA6qoWMzbb_Bk95cbKs7MvxRBBAEOsI PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THIS,AS MANY PLACES AS YOU CAN,WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CANDebunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith,Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for thisCult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’,‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or werenever caught in their mind-traps

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zyphr 4 years ago

drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zVA6qoWMzbb_Bk95cbKs7MvxRBBAEOsI PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THIS,AS MANY PLACES AS YOU CAN,WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CANDebunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith,Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for thisCult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’,‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or werenever caught in their mind-traps

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zyphr 4 years ago

drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zVA6qoWMzbb_Bk95cbKs7MvxRBBAEOsI PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SHARE THIS,AS MANY PLACES AS YOU CAN,WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CANDebunking and ‘fact-checking’ the Articles of Faith,Dogmas, and Assumptions, of the Co2VID CULT for thisCult’s THRALLS, and to support to the ‘heretics’,‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’, who have escaped, or werenever caught in their mind-traps

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zyphr 4 years ago

This lecture series, "The 70 Most Difficult Questions in Judaism" delivered by Rabbi Elyahu Kin between 2007-2009, discusses some of the more challenging and esoteric questions in Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism that people often raise. This last lecture of the series deals with one of the most unusual commandments in the Torah - to wage an eternal battle with Amalek Please share this video as many places as you can, download it and upload it to as many cites as you can, and please send copies of this video and report it to your local authorities, send copies to you local media outlets, newspapers, cable news channels, radio talk shows, and anything else you can think of. I publish this in good faith, with the best of intentions, in the interests of the public, whether 'jew' or 'gentile' a.k.a 'amalek'. We must prosecute this hate speech, this racial vilification, this incitement to genocide, and launch public investigations to determine how widespread these beliefs are among the 'Jewish' community, and to ensure that such hate speech, racial vilification, and incitement to genocide is publicly denounced and renounced by ALL 'Jews' and Gentiles. TROONATNOOR

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

the irony is that the torah will be used against dirty jews like himself

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