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This man IS A BOSS and sends cops to do the WALK OF SHAME

Published on 12 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation
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KEEPER 2 years ago  

i actually don't know a whole lot about Canadian constitution, but it seems very similar to America's so far from this video.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

download it if you like from internet archive

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: yjsmld. will do. it's interesting learning about this stuff, anyway i love the constitution in America, and i like to show folks there are things they can do in these situations to combat unlawful and unconstitutional actions when knowing your rights, it's funny because i didn't use to care much about this stuff, but because our recent times, it's becoming more prevalent that people need to know their rights and not be bullied by those who would try to lie or infringe on their rights, this includes police, politicians, authority figures of all kinds, as most people get taken advantage of when they don't know their rights and give their freedom away too freely to these tyrants.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@KEEPER: US constitution is inferrior to the Swiss one, the Swiss dont allow for a federal army (only militia) only secession, and have no president (there is a presidential council of 7 persons)

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I agree. And 2023 my State constitution where it says Right to Bear Arms says now Implied and not Infringe. People here are waking up to the tyrants but its the Miligram experiment what does not effect the other does not effect them. Mob mentality look at the last 3 years i had friends go get the jab i said i know what is going on i have friends in china saying its about a genocide/control. Look at Oregon one grocery store you cannot enter without facial recognition.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

During ww2 Switzerland told hitler we have the best snipers in the world you try to invade our contry you will have no standing army we will take out ALL your officers to lead your military.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: Right to bear arms, in Switzerand its manditory to own a firearm (SIG 550 assault rifle), you see them regularly walking their gun to shooting practise (manditory upkeep of shootinskills and fitness or you pay a 3% free rider tax). Now Americans can nag about "manditory, but mu freedoms" , thats perfectly ok, but Switzerland not work like "someone (not me) enlist to protect my freedom" thats not how we roll. and if you really are a peacenic, fucking secede in pacificisti-stan and be gobbled up in the next European war. pacificism we dont have that is postmodern degeneracy

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: Right now Switzerland can field 120k fighting men instantly, compare that to the German army (2023) not even having 90k frontline personel.... I think we should take Berlin,...,lol

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: 98 percent of convictions in this country and all were plea deals. I just talked to a man who is spending 1 yr in fed prison 366 days. Then reg as a sex offender and I told him fight the charges. Told him case law and articles to visit. Men are being attacked and labeled. They put you in the paper here without going in front of a jury. I read of a man who had rape charges on him in the paper the other day he spent 10 months in local jail refusing a plea and saying the 4 police made up lies jury found him fucking INNOCENT.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: AMericans taking this shit is retarded you deserve everything you get, you might as well live in Brazil, at least the cops are currupt enought to pay them to leave you alone

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Every country is like this people are too lost in their own history. Look at covid 2020/21 in toronto people should have been armed. If it was not for my grandfather europe would be under the boot of germany. It was a lie and pearl harbor that got us into the war. FDR copied what HITLER did to turn AmeriKa around and we thought he was a barbarian when what he did to the jews the us army did to the navajo in arizona/newmexico.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@KEEPER: Yeah, the police and Feds are not your friends: Share less information with them. Since we lost Afghanistan, the "Intelligence" Federal community is trying to keep their jobs by turning "Americans " into terrorists.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: We started out that way: Switzerland is small, but we'll protected by its mountains and military (with ties to the Knights Templar.) We had states refusing to pay a small federal tax or supply manpower or militia for routines duties under the Articles of Confederation, shit... We had one for the first colonies and then the South when they left the Union prior to Civil War had articles of confederation too-- I don't remember exactly at the moment: Maybe it's the same name for both, perhaps Virginia just dug it up and re-released a modern printing. Anyways, we had to redo it to make a Constitution,modeled after England of course. We be white snow monkeys from the sea...

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Is Sig a Swiss company? I thought it was German, Sig Sauer right? Any way, WW2 demonstrated two "great nations or peoples," the Dutch who held off the German invasion machine for q week or a week and a half giving us the time to organize and Switzerland obviously the better letting Germany and Hitler know on no uncertain terms are you invading Switzerland-- like what 12 men kept the German machine out?

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: Yep. FDR fucked up America ghe mist: TFM hates him, one of the top worst presidents. He's why we have a "temporary" income tax... temporary my ass... Only the rich pay-- my ass! We ARE THE RICH compared to the world. They lies and half-truths man

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@Lucifer333: It's your right, as a woman, to have the right, to say so. "Life Lessons for XXX long haired girlies, from Loretta"

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@Lucifer333: Fair Maiden - " Right now Switzerland can field 120k fighting men instantly, compare that to the German army (2023) not even having 90k frontline personel.... I think we should take Berlin,...," - you might be able to do a "Betty Does Berlin" - but that is a bit too whoreish for my liking.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Hey roach boy, your trolling skillz are slightly improving but considering the effort you put in yu have a long wayz to go before you reach "world class level"

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: "a Constitution,modeled after England of course. " that was your mistake,

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Why need a constitution, you should all be seperate countries not one SuperState, let the countries figure out their own constitution, maybe create a military or economic allience but never a political allience

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: The Swiss army = all abled young men between 20-35 and and for officers they need to serve longer (general up to age 55) , so this is lIFE LONG SERVICE;... during ww2 Swiss could easily field 300k men so they invited the Germans to witness one of their army training manouvres... the German General mentioned "ok so you got 300k men but we can field 600k-1M men to invade Switzerland" . the Reply of the Swiss general was ,.. "yeah so we will shoot 2x and go home", HAHAHAHA,.. yeah invading Switzerland would have made Stalingrad look like a picnic for the Germans, bad idea

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Leftist use rancor and classware shit to hook up the lower class (getting free shit and some breadcrums) while taking the 99% of the tax income for themselves and their croneys hooked up in Industry,..., poor people should not vote, poor people are poor because of poor people habits, its that simple

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I saw a documentary where they tried to invade the Swiss Alps-- one or two squadrons held them at bay at the mountain passes filmed during WW2. Maybe that was your demonstration... As for every man requiring to serve in the military, I am fine with. Rome had that, but I don

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Ten years seems long enough to me, but as a smaller countrym maybe fifteen years makes it work?! Plus, you likely have the added benefit your government is trying to kill you, de-arm you, and discourage a normal life with pussy and having kids let alone poisoning your food and water?!

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Given time, all governments fail: The British had the right ideo of taking the three most popular and combining them with a balance of power, which did last longer. The Monaechy- the crown or executive branch ie President or Prime Minister with the aristocracy as the Senate or House of Lords, and finally the democracy as House of Commons or Representatives. In the US, we added a Judicial branch, but the Demoncrats undermined it by taking all branches through I believe election cheating and definitely some meddling from "news" agencies....

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Looking at Swiss democracy and republicanism (confederation) it lasted since 1291, it seems to take 3 ingeredients:

  • ppl are sovereign not government (Direct democracy)
  • Government does not have an army or poilce (Citizen militia, and every man gets police training although there R full time cops, many do "police duty")
  • Secession, (in case "muh mob rule" gets to be a problem)

Loose any one of these 3, and you loose them all

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I attended the late Professor J. Rufus Fears' most popular classes-- Freedom in Greece and Freedom in Rome: He taught two main ideas in conjunction to the History and Literature: You are only "Free" when you have all three of these: The right to pick or elect your leaders, the right to choose your religion or faith, and the right to choose how you spend your money. The second life lesson was in life, campaign or sports, you need four things: A moral compass (it's what separates Winston Churchill from Adolf Hitler or Stalin, Logistics getting people and material where you need them when you need them, Battlefield Command- how you lead a battle or campaign, and Tactics how to win the battle and Strategy how you win the war, These were all based on historical wars or projects. You can get his lessons from the Great Courses dot com.

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

These clips are all in the US as far as I can tell.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

It's fun to watch these, but if Biden ever declares a National Emergency with an attack or another 911, these cops will be singing different tunes.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

By that time the cops are filled with DragQueens and LGT-BBQ degenerates, they are nothing more then an ammo pickup for the freedom fighters

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: I hope so, but Biden is not long for this world... I don't think he'll be alive in four or five tears, if not sighificantly less.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: you know they are using Biden to hook up Camilia Harris chick,...., Biden is just a babbling handpuppet, "who controls the teleprompter is the one controlling biden" (Elon Musk)

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: No. Cuntmela is a just a whore-- she's the threat if we try to impeach Biden" Technically, she can't be President seeing as she is an immigrant nor should she be VP. Ig we could Impeach both of them, the Republican Speaker of the House takes the Presidency. Though, I am not sure if we take the Presidency in elections (definitely not fair and open), if there will be an America to "save."

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: America in its current form with its top down power structure (federal > state > county ), needs to die, whoever goes against the Grain gets assasinated (JFK, Reagan attempt, soon Trump maybe)

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: Agreed. America stopped being free back in the early 1800s before the Civil War. The Civil War cemented the Federal government's control.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Should never been a federal government, Northern States right also have the right to regard escaped slaves as free instead of property of the South, so the South abused federal law when it was in their benefit, chickens comming home to roost, the God of the universe dishes out Karma without prejudice

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

@Lucifer333: Kamala is just a babbling cock puppet.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@Drums_McBashington: they all prolly are, that is why it really not make any difference if you put a senile old man or otherwise "functionally looking" women in front of the teleprompter, its just a meatsack doing the bidding of their "overlords" whoever they are

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SirWeedBongVentura 2 years ago

Zildjians are one of my two preferred choices of cymbals for my kit. That dude doesn't appreciate good drumming.

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

If he doesn't recognize that logo, he's probably never really looked at a drum kit. I've had people recognize mine, only knowing it had something to do with instruments.

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sardonicsmile 2 years ago

Sometimes these 1st Amendment "Auditors" play it close to the line. Nevertheless, they do know how to neutralize cops.

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(whispering - "He is standing there breathing oxygen")

"Excuse me sir, do you have your permit to breath air on you?"


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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Hey, it's coming... haven't you seen Arnold's Total Recall? That's their plan... it's called conditioning you while it's in the "art."

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@WMHarrison94: There was also another movie where people had to go to little oxygen stations... to get gasps every 100 meters or something...

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@WMHarrison94: I have visual memories of it in bits... the oxygen meters were like parking meters... and I dunno - it might have been made 20 years ago... even 30... A little flicker in the cosmic show... some where some time.

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