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Thugs are Lashing out at the Passport Bros

Published on 20 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs
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sauger1001 10 days ago

Agree with Angry on this one. Had a great time when I was deployed in Japan and the Philippines, back in the early '80s. Only know guys who spent time in Vietnam and Thailand. Said both places were nice, but as I have said before (as well as quoted by MHD):
"Women are women, FIRST!"
I met women overseas who were single mothers (most weren't), but only told me AFTER I had shipped back to the States. I never met their kids, and never knew the situation that led to their becoming single mothers. Women here wear it like a badge of honor. Though few talk about this, it was funny how a minister mentioned this in passing, while giving a sermon.

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sauger1001 10 days ago

I get the impression this pookie/simp is whining about certain women, in a country where he's never been. If he had kept his record clean, he could've seen the truth for himself.

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Drums_McBashington 11 days ago

Thugs can't get passports.
Now they're stuck with "the bitches".

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