Published on 15 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣Tonights Tiger Talk covers two 'cuckold' types that are fresh on my mind. One is a hopeless blue pill who's pretty much a lost cause, the other is a promising young man with his whole future ahead of him. Only expend so much energy trying to save your friends, guys, as the deepest lessons are only heeded from bitter experience

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ICEFOX13 4 years ago

Since no one is commenting, I just wanna say your voice is low which is perfect for me to my activitys either at work or at home. Now another thing, what made you become red pill and follow your own path like the rest of us ?

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Old_Soul_Tiger 4 years ago

Thanks for the kind words. I think a lot of the red pill philosophies were already formulating within me. My ex wife was one of the reasons- she was actually quite balanced in many ways and highlighted how anti male id been indoctrinated - right before she tried to screw me over. I also stumbled across amazing videos by liberation Y, Sandman, TFM which furthered my view further. The truth just rose above. What about you?

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ICEFOX13 4 years ago

@Old_Soul_Tiger: How I become what I am now, before I was was redpilled I had some blue mix up with it thus making me a purple pill cause I knew something didn't just add up between the genders in society. Now I was married or in a relation ship since I dont have the looks and the status for it and then go mocked for it (do women even date electricians?). While I was snooping around youtube I found sandman and the whole philiosophy of mgtow and quite frankly answer my questions on why are there double standards. Like you I start of with sandman then sunrise hoodie to happy humble hermit and now Tfm which quiet frankly teach me alot of things about life and how human nature works

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ICEFOX13 4 years ago

@Old_Soul_Tiger: Sorry if this was rant, but is there so many thing's on how I became mgtow

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ICEFOX13 4 years ago

@Old_Soul_Tiger: Made a few minor mistakes, I wasn't married nor in a relationship so yeah I just want to point that out

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Old_Soul_Tiger 4 years ago

@ICEFOX13: thanks for sharing your story. I’ve posted a bit about myself and how I used to be more purple pill growing up in one of my previous videos (coming of age). It’s tough for all of us in terms of male-to-female relationships. It’s getting tougher and tougher for all of us. 80 % of women are only going for the top 10% and mainstream media abd feminism is increasingly stamping out fat acceptance and “body positivity standards” when it comes to men choosing women- ie men can have no standards and women are getting more picky. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. I think the main thing is us MGTOW brethren need to support one another and help each other.

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