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Tim Pool DEBATES Libertarian On Companies MANDATING Medical Procedures

Published on 18 Jun 2024 / In News & Politics

Watch the full episode NOW: https://youtube.com/live/gQ6f690aShE

Tim Pool

Caryn Ann Harlos @carynannharlos (X) | @PinkFlameofLiberty
Michael Rectenwald @RecTheRegime (everywhere) | Mrectenwald.Substack.com
Jeremy Kauffman @jeremykauffman (X)
Phil @PhilThatRemains (X)

Lisa Elizabeth @LisaElizabeth (X)
Kellen Leeson @KellenPDL (X)

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myopinion 17 days ago

Question 1: Should jabs, be forced ? ..... Answer: No >>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 2: Should kids get things, sucked, cut, chopped off ? ....... Answer: No >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 3: Should priests / doctors, be JAILED, for sucking, cutting, chopping genitalia ? ............. Answer: Yes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 4: Should parents, be jailed, for NOT using, life saving (((( *SAFE )))) medicine, on their kids ? ............ Answer: Yes >>>>>>>>>>> Question 5: Should we FORCE people, to do things, they DON'T want to ? ......... Answer: No >>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 6: Why does Q3 say jail, but Q5, says we can't force them, to do stuff. .......... Answer: We live in a society, where everyone DOESN'T want baby d*ck sucking, or mutilation. Also, the child CAN'T consent. Also, just by joined a cult (religion) DOESN'T mean, .... you get to, ... avoid jail. >>>>>>>>>>> Question 7: Why should doctors, be forced to give abortions ? ............ Answer: They SHOULDN'T. ... Nothings saying, you can't find doctors, that will. ((( NOTE: ))) Maybe just have hospitals, state openly & often publicly. That they ... W I L L or ... W O N ' T. ( then, move to like-minded areas ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 8: Should priests have to marry g*ys ? .............. Answer: No. This was covered in Q5. Why would you want to get married, by a sexist, racist, ableist, bigoted organization, anyways ?!? Just go get married, via non-religious places. And if the govt. DOESN'T give you the same marriage rights. S U E ... T H E M ! ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Question 9: Should a religious shop, sell a cake, to a g*y ? .............. Answer: Yes, A company, ( IS part of, ... a society ) so all selling, to the public, is forced by law, ........ to N O T ... D I S C R I M I N A T E. ........ B U T .... B U T ... (((( Q5, states we can't FORCE them to do, what they don't want to. )))) Correct, so a easy solution, would be, sell a B L A N K (cake). It's got all the fancy pizzazz & loop T loops. ( just without the words ) Sell the tube of icing, on the side. ( the buyer can write whatever they want, AFTER, they buy it.) >>>>>>>> Is there anything I missed ? ? Oh, ......... And by ************ S A F E medicine that = Things that have been on the market for years or decades that have less then 1 in a million d*ing. Also, If the govt. "leaders" are forcing me, to get jabbed, ........... then, I want to pick for me, and them. Which vials we get. If not then, F*** off. ( they shouldn't be allowed, to be jabbed BEHIND THE SCENES, with saline, ... while we're jabbed with WHO KNOWS WHAT.)

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