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Tim Pool Enacts DIABOLICAL Revenge On Local Woke Skaters! Timcast IRL Host Is An Evil Genius!

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

Tim Pool is an evil genius

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Toki 8 months ago

Tim is all about the phony two party political game so he reaped what sowed here. If he was just an average working man taking no sides with a real job nobody would be worried about his interference. Even the woke lefties youth know he's a fraud "fence-sitter" or whatever you may call it. Trying to buy power throwing his e-welfare money around.
Either way I would be worried he would bring American women with him to the event and women ruin everything. Left or right women. He used to host Lydia the maneater so never forget that.
Also they have a point about making the event about money. Why does everything in life have to be about money? No doubt he was looking to profit in some way. Possibly bringing commercial advertising to the event which is not wanted. That's why I don't like sportsball. It's just a woke advertising platform for mega corpos. Today's skating event sponsored by McD's. Healthy food for active folks right? Just like the Olympics and McD's.

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Toki 8 months ago

This is somewhat funny for other reasons. Recently that cuck Tim put out a video about young men never leaving their rooms. Just saying these skateboard youngsters left their home to go outside. Big mistake. I don't care if they are woke or not because young men on all sides are shooed out of society. Apparently Tim bought the land so they can't go there anymore. "Why are zoomer males hiding inside playing video games all day?" Gee I wonder Tim? Maybe because they enjoy freedom in a fictional world without influential rich people telling you to go home and stay in your room because they own all the land like Area 51. While these zoomers own nothing because they can't afford to live. People like Tim buy up property and hoard everything. So he can house a harem of socialist thots.

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