Tim Pool Says Trump Must SHATTER CIA & FBI Over TARGETING Of Americans & President Trump
Published on 16 Feb 2025 / In
News & Politics
Tim Pool Says Trump Must SHATTER CIA & FBI Over TARGETING Of Americans & President Trump
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Uhm, those enemies abroad include The WEF and the Rothchilds' Vanguard Investments: They fund the terrorists, the war against terrorist, Israel, and the European Socialists-Marxists. Uhm, The NeoNAZIs of Ukraine have been torturing Russians in Ukraine: I agree with Putin going end to save those people. Period. Zelensky works for the Rothchilds via The WEF. I don't think Russia wants Poland. He might make Russia so great again that Poland would join those Russian Federation on their own accord. The Ukrainian voted to return to Rusdia, but Zelensky prevented it and ignored their votes. This was Rothchilds NATO unelected puppets pushing unelected agendas and propaganda. Ukraine was in a Civil War; the UN also filled with unelected leaders, is prohibited from from joining civil wars. The Rothchilds are keeping us in war for the military war industrial complex and pushing for their demonic one world rule via Marxism or the Pharaohic Old World Order of Master or Nobility and Slave world wide with no escape...They are liars and traitors: Start ending them. That one world rule was described in the Bible as New World Order, which they called themselves too... from a book written eons ago...
Soon, I believe Trump will find evidence that the Demoncrats have been cheating on elections for over thirty years. The Lame Stream Media News and press should be abolished.
These wannabe aristocrats, the "ruling" Elite class, decide better than us and keep us in these wars and "crises" to further erode our freedoms trying to convert us into slaves and/or wage-slaves.
The fact that the CIA's Operation Mockingbird exists censoring our news is proof enough to end them, the Intelligence Deep State.