Time To Cash In
Published on 02 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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I do look foreward to my soloMam Vid's at the weekend.
Don't know about an Estranged Wife? - I just used to have very "Strange" Wife! lol!
Costner is 19 years older than Baumgartner. As of this writing, Costner, born Jan. 18, 1955, is 68 and Baumgartner, born March 4, 1974, is 49 years old. The woman was 31 at the time of her marriage, so the wall was near. The wall, apparently, will not provide a reprieve from female money love. I think all males should begin to appreciate female wealth addiction in addition to their physical beauty.....and admire them from safe distances.
The words of wisdom that will forever emanate from this man's grave:
"And, don't get married."
The late Vention MGTOW
https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p35300_v_h9_ae.jpg Kevin cost her