TMNT ninjas thot patrol April O'Neil Shut It remix
I loved the teenage mutant ninja turtles when I was a kid. I watched the cartoons and all the movies. Now the show will probably be remade soon due to toxic masulinity and the show will be called "teenage mutant ninja trannies". It will be a show about trannies going around trying to cure aids or something like that.
April O'neil was an old school thot, she would have an onlyfans today for sure.
I found this clip and I realized the powerful marketing of the TMNT franchise had a huge impact on me, for instance to this day pizza is stll one of my favorite foods. I took a moment to reflect and realized that if this scene was included in the movie, we may have less simps today when more men realized that this is what needs to be done to women sometimes when they get out of line haha.
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