The Metropolitan Police are probably the Worst force in the UK? They are just a bunch of wimpy Lefties frightened of offending some weirdo lefty. you cannot respect the law if it doesn't respect you and that is mainly because of Politician.s government over privilege and GREED. Corrupt Revenue MEN like back in the Smuggling days when if you had the money you could buy your way out of anything, OK bit before my time I know?
Remember those Morris 1000 Panda Car's they were called PANDA's I think because they stood for - "Patrol And Normal Duty Assignment" PANDA. We respected the bobby on the beat, but today you don't see any of the pussified Rainbow Tonka toy Barbie Car idiots about anymore. waste of time reporting a Crime because just like the Ambulances as well today they either don't turn up or it takes 12 hours before you hear from a CUNT-stable. I've never been in trouble with the police at anytime, but I still have to say they are a FUCKING JOKE today, a bunch of brainless para military money collector's, I have no respect for them and I wouldn't even bother asking them for help or like wise I wouldn't lift a finger to assist them either. The police SERCice as it was once was a career to be proud of being in, Today the Police "FORCE" (not this word), attract's psychopaths and legalized Criminals that think they are above the law.
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Muzzle required, not fit for duty… that is all femons… the rest of the cucks and simps tucking pants like Nazis. Make Hugo Boss proud… Source:
However they still have to allocate some funding for this... Source:
The Metropolitan Police are probably the Worst force in the UK? They are just a bunch of wimpy Lefties frightened of offending some weirdo lefty. you cannot respect the law if it doesn't respect you and that is mainly because of Politician.s government over privilege and GREED. Corrupt Revenue MEN like back in the Smuggling days when if you had the money you could buy your way out of anything, OK bit before my time I know?
Remember those Morris 1000 Panda Car's they were called PANDA's I think because they stood for - "Patrol And Normal Duty Assignment" PANDA. We respected the bobby on the beat, but today you don't see any of the pussified Rainbow Tonka toy Barbie Car idiots about anymore. waste of time reporting a Crime because just like the Ambulances as well today they either don't turn up or it takes 12 hours before you hear from a CUNT-stable. I've never been in trouble with the police at anytime, but I still have to say they are a FUCKING JOKE today, a bunch of brainless para military money collector's, I have no respect for them and I wouldn't even bother asking them for help or like wise I wouldn't lift a finger to assist them either. The police SERCice as it was once was a career to be proud of being in, Today the Police "FORCE" (not this word), attract's psychopaths and legalized Criminals that think they are above the law.
I remember the old days when you got mouthy with police they wouldn't arrest you they'd just beat you silly.