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Published on 12 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

‎I will ask these mercenaries from the charity sector a question to see if they are consistent with their principles. Firstly, they claim they are عاملين (collectors of Zakat), and based on this, they usurp a portion of the Zakat money to which they are not entitled at all.

‎As part of the eight recipients of Zakat, Allah mentions وَالْغَارِمِينَ (spelled differently in the Mushaf)—those in debt. From today, those who are in debt should ask charities that collect Zakat to support them in clearing their debts, as this is an order from the Qur’an and their rightful claim! How can any mercenary charity refuse to pay the debt of a Muslim once evidence has been provided to confirm they are in debt?

‎You conveniently stop at وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا and usurp a portion of the money for yourselves because it benefits you and satisfies your greed, but in the same verse, Allah emphasizes those who are in debt as also being entitled to Zakat.

‎ويدَّان على عياله - According to many major imams of the Salaf, الغارمين applies to those whose family are in debt. You will likely respond with conditions found in the books of jurisprudence, correct? I would then ask you: What are the conditions for the عاملين in those same books of jurisprudence? You will find that you are not entitled to Zakat as you are not عاملين at all.

‎Allah also mentions وابن السبيل. According to Imam Tabari, this refers to a traveler who passes from country to country: فالمسافر الذي يجتاز من بلد إلى بلد. Mujahid رحمه الله, the Mufassir, explains that ابن السبيل is entitled to Zakat even if they are wealthy: مجاهد: (وابن السبيل)، قال: لابن السبيل حق من الزكاة وإن كان غنيًّا.

‎Al-Dahhak ibn Muzahim states that if a rich man travels and is in need during his travels, he is entitled to Zakat:
‎- الضحاك, أنه قال: في الغني إذا سافر فاحتاج في سفره. قال: يأخذ من الزكاة.

‎I’m sure these greedy mercenaries will now start to claim Zakat under this category, as they are shameless and dishonorable people.

‎In conclusion, these mercenaries from the charity sector will cherry-pick verses that make them wealthy, justifying their own actions while ignoring the rest of the verse. I’m sure the Gift Aid purse will need to be used to pay the debts of the believers, not for paying deposits on houses, buying luxury items, or flying business class. 😆

‎Brothers and sisters, contact your charities and get your applications in for your debts to be paid! They can’t refuse if they want to use the verse (والعاملين عليها) to take a cut for themselves but don’t want to pay your debts. 😆

‎I could have expanded this tweet with more classical references, but I will record a video presenting the evidences comprehensively إن شاء الله

Please share this and expose not the double standards, but triple standards of these mercenaries from the charity sector.


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