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Too Many Jews

Published on 13 Jul 2022 / In People & Blogs
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Mustang 2 years ago

Just say no to Antisemitism. 6 million murdered Jews will thank you.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

can you please explain why this powerful minority of "jews" is all democrats in the senate except for bernie who is an independent who basically is an extreme self admitted socialist? and in the case of the house only 2 of 27 jews in the house are republican? why is it antisemitic to ask why these assholes keep pushing liberal trash on the entire country? Why do these assholes keep letting illegals in? You fancy yourself a conservative, why is it you support a group of people who politically are very liberal and voted consistently for decades for policy that has destroyed all that is good in the United States?

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

why don't you listen to the video and try to form an actual argument that explains why these fucked up, libtard, unelected jews in the government keep screwing everything up? I am open minded to hear a rational explanation as to why these insular, grasping, liberal scum should be held in high regard? I hope they get hit with a cuban sonic weapon attack asap.

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