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TOO MASCULINE? Single Woman Gets Told She Acts LIKE A DUDE. Single Women Tiktoks

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Veröffentlicht auf 02 Sep 2024 / Im Unterhaltung

TOO MASCULINE? Single Woman Gets Told She Acts LIKE A DUDE. Single Women Tiktoks

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jman_44 7 Monate vor

The girl at the beginning, who thinks she's too manly, could probably fix a lot by changing up her accent or manner of speech. She sounds like Rachel Maddow in this video. Stop trying to sound like PBS or NPR - too educated. A lot of guys are into a more husky voice, but it's also gotta be gentle, seductive. Think Claudia Black.

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

Come on man, get it right, you know the thing,... er her name is Rachel Madcow... she spreads (Leftist) madcow disease... you know the thing... and her identical "boy" twin... whatever the fuck his name was? Chris maybe?

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@WMHarrison94: The first thing I thought of, "Rachael Mad-Cow".... That fucking bitch should buy a bridge and jump off it. The chick in the video - she is an idiot who picks up idiots..... She would never talk to average guys... only piss pots and the bars, she hangs out at.

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Toki 7 Monate vor

Even better. Ara Ara anime dommy mommy voice. Claudia Black ain't got nothing on mommy battleship. Claudia seems OK though a retired actress who got out before everything got woke. The mommy battleship -

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Toki 7 Monate vor

Get yoshi yoshi'ed son. Melt in thy chair from the best voice talent in on Earth - JP woman. English women with deeper voices just sound like dudes.

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Toki 7 Monate vor

@WMHarrison94: That's an AI redo of her voice by the way. Impressive. Also has a legit video from the actual VA over an hour long. Download while you can because it's technically pirated. I ain't paying women to play on the internet so I grabbed it from a YT downloader awhile ago.

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tekrat 7 Monate vor

The first lady looks like Tranz. ... just lift bro!

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JMGTOW 7 Monate vor

she's so masculine, she has more sperm count than most men and from multiple men

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Toki 7 Monate vor

Pokimane in ten years.

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Toki 7 Monate vor

She should be waiting at home for her husband in a maid uniform.

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WMHarrison94 7 Monate vor

She could clean in the nude... I don't mind as long as she's not on the rag...

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Toki 7 Monate vor

The blood will attract bears after all.

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