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Top 10 Phrases Women Use To Manipulate Men - SHOCKING

Published on 27 Oct 2020 / In Film & Animation

This episode, we will explain the top 10 phrases women use to manipulate men.

== Top 10 Phrases Women Use To Manipulate Men ==

Women are masters of manipulation. If you fall for any of these 10 phrases, you will get taken advantage of. We will teach you guys how to spot these phrases and how how to brush them off.

#Top10PhrasesWomenUseToManipulateMen #SHOCKING #FreshandFit #FreshandFitPodcast

10. 5:35- "You're too good for me, this isn't going to workout".
9. 14:06- "Go out and have fun"
8. 17:05- "I'm going out with the girls tonight"
7. 21:05- "Lets just be friends first"
6. 26:05- "I have a lot of guy friends"
4. 32:11- "He's just a friend"
4. 40:28- "My stomach hurts (or insert excuse here) so I cant have sex"
3. 47L15- "Sorry I fell asleep"
2. 54:15 "We will see, or I'll let you know"
1. 58:40- "It's not you it's just me" (Hilarious reaction lol)
1:06:25 Phone line Q/As


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Song used for Intro/Outro: Future & The Weeknd - Low Life Trap Remix (Apato Remix)

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