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Top scams & tricks prostitutes, whores, working girls, strippers, online dating girls will do to you

Published on 07 Apr 2022 / In People & Blogs

In this video I go over the common scams and tricks that prostitutes, working girls, strippers, girls that are online dating are going to try and pull on you.

Here are some other videos I recorded that you might wanna check out:

- Sharing valuable information from the book I'm writing to help you live the good life


- Luggage Packing tips items to bring & safety tips for traveling


- Top scams & tricks prostitutes, whores, working girls, strippers, online dating girls will do to you


-Jaco beach cocal casino Costa Rica tips for getting girls & what I like & don’t like about it


- What I love about Mazatlan (girls) and story about the jaco beach Costa Rica video I did


- Best Bars for working girls, Tips for moving to Jaco Beach Costa Rica, Tinder, Restaurants, and the Cocal Casino


- Partying w the girls at orange bar in jaco beach Costa Rica & breakfast at cocal casino


- Smoking a joint w one of the tica girls on the way to viewpoint in San Jose Costa Rica


- This is what I do for a living and how I retired young and how you can also get started


- If you own a business, I can help you get rid of the bill you hate paying for the credit card service fees you pay to accept cards.

Here is a video that explains the program


- Smoking a joint & final thoughts on my last day in Costa Rica the good and bad


- Why Tijuana is the best Destination For Guys To Get Laid Easy


- Showing you the strip clubs and brothels in Mazatlan and giving tips about each place


- Interviewing a young latina for advice to guys and why latinas are better than other girls


- Warren buffet wealthy business partner or broke employee rule


-Mine and Grant Cardone's advice to young people and old people


-Vision Boards why you need to make one right away


If there’s a video you would like me to make to answer questions or cover a topic, write in the comments or send me and email and I’ll work on it

if you are interested in the book I'm writing so I can put you on the waitlist for when it's ready


Muchas gracias!

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