Tough Conditions of Life In Coffee Plantations | Blood Sweat, And Luxuries S1 EP3 | Only Human
Young British consumers work alongside luxury goods makers in Africa and Asia. The Brits travel south to work on the Ethiopian coffee plantations of Yirgacheffe.
In Britain today, what were once luxuries are fast becoming everyday items. From electrical gadgets to leather handbags and shoes, as more and more is consumed, products are increasingly disposable. Would consumers care more if they knew the human cost of making luxuries?
The Brits leave Ethiopia's capital behind and travel south to the famous coffee plantations of Yirgacheffe and the remote mountain village of Biolya. Here, life gets even tougher as for the first time they have no help from a local family and must survive only on the wages paid to a coffee worker. But will they be able to do enough work to afford to eat and pay rent on their simple mud hut?
To survive, the Brits must pool their money and work as a family, but when their team needs to be strong it starts falling apart - George becomes ill, Lucy can't cope and Oscar decides to go it alone.
Just when everything is getting too much, they are surprised by a new arrival, self-confessed coffee addict Shievonne. But will her favourite drink ever taste the same again?
From Blood Sweat, and Luxuries S1 EP3
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So weak
These selfish mindless consumers.