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Tourists are Hunting Feral Hogs from Helicopters

Published on 25 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

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sauger1001 3 years ago

If only those folks who eat pork (as well as other animals The Creator forbids; for our own good) would ask themselves why The Creator says we "shall not eat of the swine" (Lev. 11:7-8; Deut. 14:8)? With a little research through other books, they may not like the answer. Yes, I liked the taste of bacon, ham, ribs, etc when I ate pork, but once I found out what kind of animal they really are; like no other on earth, and how they actually "become" the type of poisons, disease and toxins they consume; that they don't sweat out the toxins like we humans can detoxify, it better explains why we're such a sick, disease ridden society (physically AND spiritually), who'd rather REJECT The Creator's food (and other natural Laws), than learn from them.

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So you have never heard the phrase, "Sweating like a pig?" - and the kidneys and intestines extrete most of the products of metabolism and the natural toxins in foods.

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In terms of parasites - they are in all sorts of things everywhere, just waiting to eat us from the inside out... just wash your hands and cook the pig meat properly.

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My only thing about eating LOTS of pork - is after a little while - it gets hard to eat more of it.... a few kilos a week is plenty, 3 or 4 Kg a day - of pork and fuck all else but pork, Uggghhhh - you start dreaming of boiled cabbage.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yes, I'm familiar with the term, but pigs don't have sweat glands. They wallow in the mud to regulate their body temperature. My point was what's toxic for us isn't toxic for them. They were made for a different purpose, and humans aren't supposed to include them on our menus. Of course as you alluded, most have ignored that memo, as did I at one time; until I learned the Truth. Everyone walks their own path, and learns in their own time, one way or another.

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@sauger1001: Did you know when christians fall into the pig pens, the pigs like to eat their balls first... "Lick Lick - chomp chomp!" --- https://ruralris.files.wordpre....ss.com/2015/02/tongg

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