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Toxic women to avoid all three types of these CUNTS

Published on 03 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

I had a daughter and Although divorced I could collect her every month and at school holidays. We had a great time, tow peas in a pod people would say. My family mosatly dead noe, adoured her, I adoured her, then she reach 14 YO and the exes poison set in. Never seen her since she just stopped wanting to be collected or visit me, not easy as she live hundreds of miles away. Yep, great days great memories but now this sick world has overpowered her I guess? i was proud in the day to be a good dad and taught her to be nice and intelligent, to question everything, but wehat the hell you can only do what you can until toxic femininity rears its head?

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I drop this on the pesky women in Al-Anon*, in the online meetings.

It contains both the actual TRUTH about domestic violence and everything the women cause - AND - the Mike Pence Principle - NEVER be alone with a woman.

"Since women cause almost all of the domestic violence in the home - including physical fights and intimidation, which includes murdering of men and children - along with incest and child rape etc., my Al-Anon Sponsor** said I am not allowed to talk to or share with women in Al-Anon, unless there are three other men present and the interaction is on video - for protection against false allegations etc. Other than that, the women of Al-Anon are great. Thank you for your understanding and support."


What do women who specialise in half baked honesty - and brain washed with the feminist hive mind do?


*Al-Anon is a fellowship for the family and friends of Alcoholics:

** Sponsor - a person willing to help you help yourself as you get on your feet and start to work your own way through your own issues..

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Lucifer333 5 hours ago

woodchipper for these child abusing whores!

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JMGTOW 1 day ago

9:12 "...they shouldn't be gold diggers or pigeons.." all women are whores. you just need to name your price, it's literally their natural instinct. I'm not sure who this video is supposed to help as the root of the problem is women having rights to begin with.

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mrghoster 1 day ago

Doesn't matter if there is a father figure or not toxic femininity can destroy even the most unconditional love between a father and his children if the fucked up toxic fefail get's it's toxic teeth in them. My ex's daddy issue's destroyed my bond with my daughter or her bond at least with me, I had great ideas and plans if she wanted them, but it wasn't to be. Now my world in a non narcissistic or selfish way surrounds ME, because I'm playing catch up for all the time and effort I lost way back then. women and even kid's are no longer a part of my new freedom and independence - Nope never again.

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Sucks to hear that yep Useless Destructive Cunts will do that Infect and Infest and destroy all that is Good Sacred and Holy and then Blame it on the Man and Use some Bullshite excuse and say it's all his Fault. I wanted a family with the right and loyal Woman and Now the way things are I am Lucky to Dodge that Silver Bullet Than Bring my Offspring into this Corrupt World and let some Banshee Whore Cunt Ruin and be a Homewrecker and then Say it's all my fault nope Fuck that, I'm a never was your a Has been at least you had a Family of your own However we now both have something in Common we are both GHOSTS and Freedom and Truth and Connection to GOD AND CHRIST ALMIGHTY is way more important than Family children and then being Divorced Raped nope Fuck that. Never again for you and Never to even begin with for me. Keep pushing Forward and GODBLESSING AND BEING BY YOUR SIDE and MINES and live Fully and Free for yourself GOD WILLING GODSPEED \G/

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eldrazi317 7 hours ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: It’s that but I’ve come to the conclusion that once a woman decides to betray her man, then those children she had with that man are no longer his. Mainly due to the gov. Sadly, I think we live in a world where the bad guys won. Or at least that is what a dream I once had showed me. I guess it’s explain why Jesus would come with a sword.

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@eldrazi317: I agree once she betrays the Offspring were then never the Mans, they all love their Daddy Gov A$$holes, I will say this the BAD GUYS have not "WON YET" and can't wait for JESUS to return with a SWORD a d start Chopping down those idiots that think they are big shots with their illegal drug and sex money yeah they will get put in their place. Just Look at Society today and 10 or 20 years ago and NO GUY WANTS TO BOTHER WITH USED UP LEFT OVER CUNT that has had over 500 COCKS AND MUFF MUCHERS inside no thanks Many Man have found they have been Lied to all their lives and Decided Nope Fuck that And they are investing in themselves for the better. They Realized if it comes down to it MONEY OR PUSSY, MONEY EVERYDAY BECAUSE NO PUSSY IS WORTH $1 BILLION DOLLARS IN ITS PEAK PRIME SHAPE OR FORM AND THE NAGGING AND HEART ACHE WHEN SHE DECIDES TO ENSLAVE YOU IS NOT FUCKING WORTH IT ALL. SO I WILL SAY WE ARE WINNING AND THE SYSTEM OR MATRIX IS GETTING REAL SCARED AND TRYING TO START WARS WITH FORCED DRAFTS AND IF THEY CARRY ON MANY WILL REVOLT AND STEAMROLL THEIR A$$ AND CRUSH THEM THATS WHAT THEY FEAR THATS WHY GOD IS LAUGHING AT THOSE IDIOTS AND THEIR SO CALLED MASTER PLANS AND WILL BE LIKE BOOM HERE YOU HOLD MY MASTER WRENCH A D ENJOY YOUR BEST LAID PLANS RUINED HAHA \G/

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