IN Australia - because of the often serious to fatal injuries that occur when a tractor rolls over - squashing or killing the driver, all tractors MUST have a ROP or Roll Over Protection bar fitted.
Tractor rollover has become one of the leading causes of occupational death in the agricultural industry. In the United States from 1992 to 2005, 1,412 workers were killed from tractor rollover, with roughly 10,000 suffering an injury.[9] These rollover fatalities represented about 20% of all agricultural fatalities.[10] During 2003 to 2010, 933 workers in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industries were killed as a result of tractor rollover, accounting for over 63% of all tractor-related deaths.[11] The National Safety Council estimates that between 150 and 200 tractor operators are killed due to rollover in the US each year.[12] Researchers have also attempted to estimate the chances that a tractor rollover will result in a fatality of the operator. An adjusted probability of about 8 deaths per 100 tractor overturns (8%) was extrapolated using data from the Kentucky Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program.[12] Furthermore, youth are particularly at risk of being crushed or pinned by a machine (all-terrain vehicle, tractor, etc.) that is not equipped with a rollover bar. All-terrain vehicles and tractors continue to be leading causes of fatal injury among youth in agricultural settings.[13]
The installation of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) on older tractors that lack these protective devices has been identified as a viable solution for reducing overturn fatality rates among US farmers.[14][15][16] When worn with a seat belt, these engineering controls are 99% effective in preventing operator death if an overturn occurs.[17][18] The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health estimates that fatality rates from tractor overturns in the US could be reduced by a minimum of 71% if all tractors were equipped with ROPS.[19] When paired with proper seat belt use on tractors, NIOSH estimates that ROPS could eliminate nearly all fatalities caused by tractor and lawn mower overturns.[6] Without a seat belt, the ROPS is still 70% effective in preventing operator death,[20] though there is a possibility that the rider may be thrown from the tractor during the overturn, and thus left unprotected by the ROPS.[19]
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IN Australia - because of the often serious to fatal injuries that occur when a tractor rolls over - squashing or killing the driver, all tractors MUST have a ROP or Roll Over Protection bar fitted.
Rollover injury and fatality
Tractor rollover has become one of the leading causes of occupational death in the agricultural industry. In the United States from 1992 to 2005, 1,412 workers were killed from tractor rollover, with roughly 10,000 suffering an injury.[9] These rollover fatalities represented about 20% of all agricultural fatalities.[10] During 2003 to 2010, 933 workers in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting industries were killed as a result of tractor rollover, accounting for over 63% of all tractor-related deaths.[11] The National Safety Council estimates that between 150 and 200 tractor operators are killed due to rollover in the US each year.[12] Researchers have also attempted to estimate the chances that a tractor rollover will result in a fatality of the operator. An adjusted probability of about 8 deaths per 100 tractor overturns (8%) was extrapolated using data from the Kentucky Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program.[12] Furthermore, youth are particularly at risk of being crushed or pinned by a machine (all-terrain vehicle, tractor, etc.) that is not equipped with a rollover bar. All-terrain vehicles and tractors continue to be leading causes of fatal injury among youth in agricultural settings.[13]
The installation of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) on older tractors that lack these protective devices has been identified as a viable solution for reducing overturn fatality rates among US farmers.[14][15][16] When worn with a seat belt, these engineering controls are 99% effective in preventing operator death if an overturn occurs.[17][18] The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health estimates that fatality rates from tractor overturns in the US could be reduced by a minimum of 71% if all tractors were equipped with ROPS.[19] When paired with proper seat belt use on tractors, NIOSH estimates that ROPS could eliminate nearly all fatalities caused by tractor and lawn mower overturns.[6] Without a seat belt, the ROPS is still 70% effective in preventing operator death,[20] though there is a possibility that the rider may be thrown from the tractor during the overturn, and thus left unprotected by the ROPS.[19]