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Trading BJs For Big Macs - MGTOW

Published on 05 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
1111 South Maguire Street
Warrensburg, MO. 64093
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660 747 2272 Office

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb7njNWtZ_E

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the second portion of Marco's more than generous donation. So with no topic I wanted to share a story I got after I had a conversation with a guy that gives married guys advice on how to spice up their love lives and teaches them about the red pill effectively red pilling them while they are married. I told him that the coof has done wonders for my daily one hour coaching sessions for $45 dollars per hour. I started doing them after my channel was demonitized as a way to subsidize my video production. I have been booked everyday for the last two or three months. When I started doing the calls back in 2019 I was getting maybe three or four a month instead of the twenty-five or thirty a month that I'm getting now. I said were very lucky to have our coaching businesses doing really well during the coof. He said that his coaching business has collapsed. I was shocked. He said he's down to three or four clients a month down from twenty-five to thirty. It's almost like our roles have reversed. He told me that guys that were typically in relationships with dead bedrooms told him that they are now getting sex on a regular basis more than before the illness of unknown origin came onto the scene. Meanwhile for me the single men going their own way that contact me aren't getting anywhere near as much action because bars, clubs and places where they normally meet women are closed. Plus online dating is tougher because of the coof and women are worried about getting sick. But women in committed relationships why are they suddenly having more sex than usual? I'll try and answer that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the housewives desperate enough to have sex with their husbands during the coof clown world show. You know what they say about women and sex. If your partner isn't having sex with someone else then they're getting it someplace else. So now that the bars, clubs and places of work are closed women still want sex and their options are limited so married men are getting as much attention as Peggy Bundy gives Al Bundy. I wouldn't be surprised if that red pill marriage Councillor starts getting guys contacting him saying that their wife wants to have too much sex with them. When I was in my mid twenties I spent a year and a half living and working from home with a girlfriend and she was a freak and it was never enough. So is it possible that when women can't go out and look at other guys and get sexual attention from them they save all their sexual frustration for only one man? That when their options are limited they want to have sex with the men they have in their midst. It makes you wonder what's going on if say eighty of guys no longer have relationship issues with their wives and girlfriends during the coof because they are getting sex? Maybe the women they are with are afraid that they might lose their husbands and he might divorce them during the illness of unknown origin and they know they will have a very hard time finding a man to replace him with that has the same or higher sexual marketplace value? That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard the story about the women suddenly becoming desperate to sleep with their husbands. Clearly they aren't getting attention outside the home because if you're in a place like Canada you can't even leave your house unless you're going grocery shopping or doing some other essential service. I also thought it had something to do with economic uncertainty and there being far less jobs
during the so called shesession caused by covaids.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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tekrat 4 years ago

TFM was right about the crypto bubble

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

" was right about the crypto bubble" Bernie Sandars logic, you only look selectively the calendar, unless bitcoin goes back to single digits, the "bubble" (lol) isnt popped

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iMickey503 4 years ago

truthfully this is been about the first mgtow video I think I've watched in about maybe 6 months.
I've been living life doing the stuff I want to do and quite honestly just enjoying the time really manly and car audio and other fun things that I find cool.

it's pretty much a de-facto now that if you're into cars electronics or basically any of the male hobbies that are out there you're pretty much a big towel guy from the get-go;

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Ugggghhhh Dirty Mouths... Dirty Women.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Reach out to Raging Golden Eagle, he might advertise his comics on your channel.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

Actually Canadians can Leave their Homes freely for whatever Reason & it's Not limited to just Necessities & Work as Sandman incorrectly states. Quebec Canada , last Winter., ..was the only place they had Restrictions as Sandman describes. And I can 100% confirm all this since I Reside in Canada and I'm in the same City as Sandman.

Only borders between some Canadian Provinces and Airports are where people may currently be Stopped & Questioned for purposes of Travel.

Furthermore, many Businesses that were Closed, have Reopened recently around the end of May/ June 1st. At least in Toronto, Canada they have. However, I suspect soon as our Regular Flu season in October starts up our Brainwashed, Cucked Government will state it's some CV-19 Strain again and reenact COVID Restrictions again, as usual.

Otherwise, I'd agree with the rest of his points & Speculations on this video.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

The FNM is already "claiming" that the "Delta" strain is in 5 US states right now. Already getting the Karens and snowflakes reason to fear what the next month may bring. I guess they'll start stocking up on toilet paper again.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@sauger1001: Yup, the Brainwashing & Fearmongering I expect with this COVID Fiasco will Continue to be perpetuated & recreated with New strains or Threats regardless of the Experimental Vaccines and likely will not End anytime soon Unfortunately.

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