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Traitors Among Us???

Published on 11 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

Why We have Men That Are Traitors In The community & How to Identify them

#dating #men #relationship

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

If you're worried about bloodline, make babies. Genghis Kahn made babies. Shitloads. DNA 'til Tuesday, in Asia. Don't do it that way, though, frowned upon these days. As far as trying to raise a child in the west, it's possible if you're prepared to accept absolute submission to mother and courts. Not an attractive option to many men. Solo Man discussed contracts in a vid, not a terrible idea, but unrealistic in many western countries already. Pre-nups get tossed out on a regular basis these days, parental rights: non existent. ...but have kids if you want kids. I would never advise anyone against their desires, only try to warn them of the realities that lie ahead, if they get what they want. People telling you, you aren't missing out or over population are ignorable.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

much respect

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TheMostNegativeGuy 4 years ago

You don't have to worry about loyalty. You are not part of anything. You are doing your own thing. If you want a gentlemen's club then expect all kinds and accept the futility of changing human nature.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

I'm just pointing something out, we are all our own

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Mr.Mayhem was one of those infiltrators when given a certain opportunity he snapped at both you and me.

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PRICK 4 years ago

Having children with an American woman, or in ANY western post industrial gynocentric legal system is NOT living for his OWN best interests.

The courts will ( statistically with a high rate of probability ) PROVE to any man that tries to have children, that those children are not his, that SHE has those children, and SHE will decide "IF", and when the father gets to see them. She can use them as a weapon to destroy his life, and many men commit suicide over these issues. 80% of completed suicides are men.

The only real option for a m.g.t.o.w to have children, and still be living for his OWN best interests is to go overseas, and sign a contract through a lawyer for a surrogate to give birth to his child, then PAY her, and then return home with full custody. And even then he can no longer live for his own best interests because he needs to look out for the child's best interests before his own.

This trad-con bullshit about what a "MAN " is, and what he is supposed to do in life based on what has always been done is NOT going to fly in m.g.t.o.w.

I do what I WILL. I decide what benefits ME not you. Telling m.g.t.o.w to MAN UP, and have children because you think it's what a man is supposed to do is you being a traitor. M.g.t.o.w do NOT follow. Baitfish swim in schools, sharks don't. You've been brainwashed to think the way you think. M.g.t.o.w question E V E R Y T H I N G !!!

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sauger1001 4 years ago

If it's true that 80% of completed suicides are men, no wonder 80% of waahman are the ones filing for divorce.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

@sauger1001: I also notice more waahmen on ESPN. Coincidence to the "wokeness" pandemic (the REAL pandemic)? I think NOT.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

Yo you know that you must raise the child your way right not by what the child wants

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PRICK 4 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: I said "Best interests" of the child, NOT "What the child wants." If you as a parent fail to act in the child's best interest, the state will come and take them from you. If you fight the state, they will drain you of your wealth, or just kill you, and how is that in your OWN best interests. M.g.t.o.w don't sacrifice their lives for some "CAUSE", or ideals. M.g.t.o.w don't "FIGHT" the system. M.g.t.o.w walk away from the fight so they can " L I V E " for their own best interests. Let the M.R.A fight to change the system, we can see how that's working out. I'll keep my wages, savings, truck, house, retirement, and peaceful quiet life. Everyone else can divide up the rest, I don't want, or need it.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

@PRICK: Yo you don't have to fight man, for anything all I'm saying is if you have a child you will raise it your way.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

@PRICK: Yo you don't have to fight man, for anything all I'm saying is if you have a child you will raise it your way.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

@PRICK: Yo you don't have to fight man, for anything all I'm saying is if you have a child you will raise it your way.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

@PRICK: Yo you don't have to fight man, for anything all I'm saying is if you have a child you will raise it your way.

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PRICK 3 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: I did not say one should fight, in fact I said the exact opposite, walk away. What I also said is if you fail to raise the child for it's best interests, the state will take that child from you. You are missing a big chunk of reality here, that being, YOU do not decide how to raise your own children anymore. The state decides how far it will LET you raise your child. If you so choose to wade into those waters, you might have a FIGHT on your hands whether you want one, or not. Mgtow does not deal with the world as one could wish it was, but how it IS.

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