
Treat Her Like A Queen LOL - MGTOW

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Опубликован в 26 Mar 2020 / В Люди и блоги

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Dear Sandman, I am friends with people from my generation and people of previous generations. They are 2 to 3 generations before me. What I mean is that I am friends with people in their forties and fifties. I have told them about my dating life, part of it anyway and they all say I don't do enough for her and that I don't treat her like a Queen. Now my red pill wisdom and MGTOW Philosophy tell me never to treat a woman kindly like that for nothing. But instead to just treat her with respect if she's earned it, or else she'll use you like toilet paper. I tell these older men about red pill and MGTOW And they look confused by it scratching their heads. Some of them even laugh. I tell them about the women today and they still laugh And say that their wives are not like. They say that the girls they've been with back when they were my age were nothing like that either. So my question is if what these men say is true then my question is what happened to screw all this up? What happened that made women act the way the are today and how can I make the old school men aware of these new walking death traps?" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back with the show. As someone that's recently turned forty dating in my teens and twenties at first I remember the women I was with were not like the women of today. But then when I applied red pill knowledge to those situations looking back I can see they were behaving the same way but they were just being more sneaky and subtle about it. Plus when you're younger you're not as smart as you are today so you don't see all the thot treachery that you see today. Women in the past would politely tell you to piss off. Today they will just ghost you and stop talking to you for no reason. What ever happened to common courtesy? A man is no longer worth being told to his face why a woman is dumping him. A while back I did a Skype chat with someone and he told me the woman he was with for five years just left one day never to see him again. There was no arguing or trying to salvage the relationship. She just blew up and got out of there. Years ago after five years couples would typically be married after one or two years and if the woman wanted to leave marriage was for life so it was hard to get out of. Also guys in their fifties and sixties when they started dating in the late seventies and early eighties remember that the majority of women didn't work. So of course it was expected of a man to pay the bill at dinner. But women demanded equality of opportunity and they got it yet men were still expected to pay. It's not fair but no one cares about men. The generation gap you speak of with regards to the way older guys see women also exists in the men's rights movement.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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libertyanyday 5 лет тому назад

what purpose do females have, for MEN, EXCEPT to have babies ...... ?? 50 yrs of listening to females and i can honestly say i never heard one iota of advice or direction that had any meaning to me.

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ancientsea 5 лет тому назад

The good old days were not so good. Girls in the 60's and 70's were just as monkey branching as the girls today. The advent of social media has had a negative consequence for young guys, as you point out, and I agree with that. I wonder how much longer guys will treat females like queens. Surely the definition must quickly lead to a ''bad-taste'' in the guys mind as women run roughshod over common social conventions.

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Anonymous21 5 лет тому назад

Social media is a double-edged sword.

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ancientsea 5 лет тому назад

@Anonymous21: In the game of life mother nature designed the playing board. Men have ALWAYS been at a disadvantage here.

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MGTOWdotCASH 5 лет тому назад

I have been posting links to Sandman's videos on memo.cash https://memo.cash/topic/MGTOW

Not many followers yet but I'll keep trying. The nice thing about memo.cash is all posts are embedded within the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. Completely uncensorable. If I ever receive a measurable tip I will pass it on to Sandman in the form of BAT since he doesn't list a BCH address for donations (he really should though).

Also starting to see a lot of interest in the MGTOW Token within the Telegram Faucet group. t.me/MGTOWcash
There are even some women in that group; which I find comical. Its only been up for a few days and already has over 120 members. I bet you didn't know there is a pretty vibrant Bitcoin Cash SLP Token trading/tipping community on Telegram.

"Anyway that's it for today"

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One_Ronin 5 лет тому назад

The short answer is female entitlement and female self worth have raged faster than the current virus which is why we have the State of Affairs today that we do

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