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Treat people like they're NPCs

Published on 10 Jan 2024 / In Entertainment

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Toki 1 year ago

Yes and sell the NPCs e-books on 'passive income.' Basically UBI for people who don't go to any real workplace and get anything done. Be one of those investors I guess = success apparently. But that's not success. It's welfare for people who don't produce any labor. So we all suffer because one person chooses "success" over productivity and selflessness. Investors are like women. Give me, give me, gibs me dat for free working class.

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RightSideOfHistory 1 year ago

Here's the problem; In an RPG (and in real life), there are NPCs (strangers), monsters (violent snowflakes), and bosses (govt thugs). Treating 'monsters' and 'bosses' like NPCs is a VERY bad idea. On the plus side, there are people who will join your party (fellow liberty-minded individuals) also.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

They ARE NPC's and I already treat then so. If I leave home these day's it seems to be into some mysterious FUCKED UP nether-land place that I cant wait to get back safely indoors and away from! So called PEOPLE are so FUCKING dumb and stupid today I don't even want to talk to them nether lone interact with them! lol!

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