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Tribal People Discover the World’s Best Sandwiches

Published on 09 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Stalwart 8 months ago

I'm so happy for these guys.

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I am not saying that "Proper Food Critics" writing articles about food and resturaunts etc., have no value. They can and do, especially if you find yourself liking what they do, and are happy to pay for it. The truth is that anyone with half a brain can tell you it's good or bad, and these MEN are an absolute delight - and there is a lot to learn from them. For instance that it's almost a universal given that GOOD stews have meat, potatoes, carrots and curry - all around the world... AND they like bread with thier stews - especially if the stews are more soup like, than solid or thick...... We get brainwashed that "Only Proper Food Critics" from our own country are the go too for information, but these guys nailed it and MEN are just wonderful.... Like I mean I am not gay and I am not after a boyfriend - BUT I am madly in love with them - because they are great guys... I don't have these same kinds of feelings for most women.... It's usually a case of, "Oh fuck no - I want out!" But for MEN - They are so fucking great - WE are so fucking awesome...... It's like that show - "Survivor Island" - The men had a fucking GREAT TIME, and the IDIOT women - bitched, and snivelled and whined and squabbled and completely fucked themselves and each other right up.......

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