Triggered Westerners prove the arguments against them
Published on 21 Sep 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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For those who don't know, this guy lives in Malaysia. And if you've NEVER been to Malaysia just know that it feels like America back in the 80's when it was truly great. There were only two genders... And there was no such thing as lgbt, the divorce rate was low and feminism was virtually non-existent. Yeah... Malaysia is a lot closer to that THAT today than America is. I want to make America great again, but I'm also Swiss and I know that lying to yourself about why this country sucks isnt the way to get it back there. So, save your trifling pro-America speech for your fellow Americans who have never left the country and lived elsewhere.. It wont work with me.
“You burned and looted all of the other houses on the block and now everybody wants to stay at your house. It must be because your house is so nice.” SPOT ON!
perhaps it is the rest of the world that is fucked. they are doing all the same things that made them backward shit holes for the last 2000 years . for future reference : i DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about what the rest of the world thinks of western culture . they are barely out of the stone age or the bronze age . they can think about being judgemental when they get caught up with USA . without us the other side of the planet would like like the medieval times .