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Trump's CNN Town Hall is Causing Liberal Media Meltdown!

387 subscribers
Published on 11 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

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CNN hosted a Town Hall Event Wednesday night with Donald Trump in New Hampshire. Kaitlan Collins was the moderator, but she ended the event 20 minutes early because Trump mopped the floor with her and the audience was laughing at his jokes.

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Mark Dice is an independent media analyst and bestselling author of "Hollywood Propaganda: How TV, Movies, and Music Shape Our Culture.” He has a bachelor's degree in Communication from California State University and was the first conservative YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers (in 2017).

He has been featured on Fox News, the History Channel, E! Entertainment, the Drudge Report, and news outlets around the world.

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Copyright © 2023 by Mark Dice. All Rights Reserved.

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

shit's gonna get crazy again.

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Then shoot first and shoot to kill self defense and offense = self preservation than letting these scumbag faggotts win. Peace stay frosty out there Godspeed \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Fuck: I just listed everything they lost in America aiding Trump's second re-election and their inability to get away cheating and this fucking wireless keyboard fucked it up erasing it all... WE a short recap: No economy, Big Tech firings, No control of Twitter, freeing Tucker Carlson to be more uncensored, the Ohio trainwreck an Arizona trailer chemical spills will cost them the swing states, no oil industry voters thanks to Biden's bans, lost of American popular support from the woke BudLight ad encouraging a questionable character with an underage following and Disney with is woke movies and gay agenda and their rape me financial harder DeSantis plea, and now their writer's strike when woke movies, tv programming, streaming programming and late night shows... Ooooh, this is going to fun and much harder for them to cheat again.... and the Hunter and Pedo Joe Biden investigation....

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sauger1001 2 years ago

I'm watching this video while also listening to the spin from the Clown News Network, while waiting for my Greyhound bus trip. Not even close. Clowns are glad to have the ratings boost (everyone knows they need it... not), but of course hate his brutal honesty.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

The chick probably creamed her panties when Trump pit her in her place. JMO.

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