Trump's STARGATE, JFK Released, NASA Attacks Northern Lights. & MIDSOMMAR Fire-ICE
Published on 24 Jan 2025 / In
News & Politics
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7hm, Fire and Ice was one of the Ten Plagues as Santorini ie Thera erupted, volcanic hail with fire raining down on Egypt, a miracle within a miracle.
The Spirituality Laws of the True Gods require them demons etc to tell us what they ate doing: They often hide it in jokes, horror movies, and scifi movies.
Nicw theory, but we found the Garden of Edenor "Paradiso Eiden." It's above "Seven Gates to Heaven/Paradise" or rather seven gorges (mountain passes) to paradise, or Paradiso Eiden in the Iraqi mountains... Still bearing theor Biical names of Cush, Noran, etc...