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Published on 04 Nov 2024 / In Other

He probably got jewish ritual flashbacks.

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Toki 3 months ago

Here's a cute one. Today I saw two men who work together wearing the red Maga hats. One hat was stamped for 2024. The other hat was 2020 :D
Talk about copium. Keep in mind these two betas are not getting paid to sponsor another man's brand. They are paying him to promote him and the hats = sales taxes. The irony of life.
They also both think it's acceptable for women to vote. Believe me I asked them and then laughed at their response explaining how voting is essentially men vs women. I even managed to get one to call me a misagonist lol. But they are the ones voting for team red so I guess they hate whamen huh? I don't submit to any concept of slaves having a vote that's ridiculous. I simply try to explain to them how any side of the Gov is leading us to disaster due to how women game the system getting paid to avoid work and become single moms for the personal gain. That's why team blue is the dominant power. While team red are simply their staged adversaries in a movie because it's all communism as these betas in red or blue hats get free daycare for their kids forcing me to pay for it. For their children they condemned to have no future because they want a Daddy Gov mommy state instead of freedom and family unit. Unlike me they are both in debt for life because they co-habitate with whamen. But I'm the irresponsible one because I don't vote to be ruled over by anyone correct?

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Toki 3 months ago

He's geeking out like Hilary Clinton does. Must be the cocaine withdrawl. Needs it every ten minutes or he starts tweaking out. I would know because I lost a friend to a thot. The thot turned him a man with a decent moral compass and a job into her personal coke supply. Getting him hooked on it. He couldn't make it to work anymore just how Richmen of Richmond in suits can't work either. Both of those two social classes are just addicts who don't go to work and contribute anything real. Sadly someone like Trump is above the law unlike my old friend who hit rock-bottom.

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Furioso 3 months ago

lol ,bad actors ,always been .

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Toki 3 months ago

Amazes me how many fools on even this site are fooled by a corrupt suit who is ruining women by spoiling them with wealth and attention.

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